B1W Incorrect Time Stamp


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Mar 29, 2017
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Anyone notice an incorrect time stamp? Been using the camera for 2 weeks. Whenever I check the files to review/download them, I notice most of them have an incorrect time stamp. Marked September 4, 2015. Everytime I notice it, I resync the time and date with my phone. Car is daily driven so the camera doesn't sit without power for more than a night.
nope correct timestamp here
Anyone notice an incorrect time stamp? Been using the camera for 2 weeks. Whenever I check the files to review/download them, I notice most of them have an incorrect time stamp. Marked September 4, 2015. Everytime I notice it, I resync the time and date with my phone. Car is daily driven so the camera doesn't sit without power for more than a night.
Its camera should keep time for 2 days at least without power. Anyway, if it happens everyday, please contact the seller for replacement, thanks!
I am also having this issue. I noticed this while checking the files, so I synced my phone time to the camera, then drove off. It was fine for that stretch of drive. Then I parked and when it booted it up again, it reset to 9/1/15 00:00.

I bought my unit off Amazon a few months ago. I've only had this issue with battery-based cameras though. Could this be a defective unit or a software bug? I'm using the power cable that came with the camera, and Samsung Evo Select 3 64 GB card formatted to FAT32 and then wiped again from the camera.
I am also having this issue. I noticed this while checking the files, so I synced my phone time to the camera, then drove off. It was fine for that stretch of drive. Then I parked and when it booted it up again, it reset to 9/1/15 00:00.

I bought my unit off Amazon a few months ago. I've only had this issue with battery-based cameras though. Could this be a defective unit or a software bug? I'm using the power cable that came with the camera, and Samsung Evo Select 3 64 GB card formatted to FAT32 and then wiped again from the camera.
What is the longest parking time you experienced? It's a capacitor-based camera and cannot keep time if longtime parking without usage!
What is the longest parking time you experienced? It's a capacitor-based camera and cannot keep time if longtime parking without usage!
1 day. But the time between drives is usually 2 or 3 hours or so.
Same as I said before, it happens if longtime parking without usage! Suggest that you sync the camera time every Monday for that case!
Anyway, if it loses time every day, it might be a problem with its hardware capacitor also! Please ship it back for replacement, thank you!
I recently ran into this issue. I took a 2 week vacation and garaged my car during that time. I checked the files recently and realized the time stamps were all off. The settings I had customized seems to have stayed the same at least.

How long do you normally expect the camera to keep time accurately before it needs power again?
Actually, I was reviewing the footage a B1W camera in another car. It seems to have been fine when I pulled into a shopping center. Turned off the car normally. Then, when I entered the car to drive away, the time reset back to 2015. That seems like awfully strange behavior. It's not like the car was not powered for a long period of time. How could it forget the time during a quick trip into the market?
If the camera loses time very quickly, it should be the problem of its hardware capacitor!
And to add an RTC battery will be a good solution to this problem.
It only happened once so far in the past month. It was able to maintain the incorrect time without resetting itself for a couple weeks. So I'm guessing it might have been an electrical gremlin? I'll keep an eye on it to see how it does.
Same issue here. It's pretty frustrating. It's not just losing the time when starting up. I witnessed in in several of my clips the time bouncing around for 10-15 seconds and finally settling on the right date and time then a few seconds later doing the same thing. I've synced to my phone time and that works for a little bit but then when reviewing footage I'll see it bouncing all over the place.

I'm using all the supplied hardware. Nothing of my own.

I can't attach the video here but when my amazon review appears I'll link to it for reference.
Could you mind to use a multi-meter to check the output voltage from the hardware kit to the camera? If happens if its output above 5.3V to the camera! Suggest you give it a try with our supplied USB car charger, but not the hardware kit!
Sorry if I misled you. I don’t have the hardware kit. Just the USB charger. I don’t have a voltage meter handy. It’s a standard 12v charging port. I see no reason why that would be an issue. It’s been the same problem in all 3 of the vehicles ive had it in.
We experienced that if the camera reset to the factory default setting if it overlaid 5.3V.
I checked my camera in my second car and found that the front camera also glitched an reset the time in the middle of driving. It doesn't seems like it went back to factory settings though because the video quality was still 1080p and still set to 3 minutes and the date format I had originally selected.

So now this issue has randomly occurred on two different cars, both using different hardwire kits from one another. I did check my rear camera, which is powered through a cigarette outlet plug and that was fine with no time resets.

I'll keep monitoring to see if I can figure out a pattern of when this occurs. Right now I'm chalking it up to the cold weather in the Northeast so I want to see if it happens in the spring. It's just annoying glitch, since if the time resets, it'll just keep overwriting the same segment of clips with the old date until the next time I check the camera.
I checked my camera in my second car and found that the front camera also glitched an reset the time in the middle of driving. It doesn't seems like it went back to factory settings though because the video quality was still 1080p and still set to 3 minutes and the date format I had originally selected.

user selectable settings are held in non volatile memory, it will hold those without power regardless
I'm having this issue with my B1W. I recently checked my memory card and every clip has a September 2015 time stamp. The only clips that show the correct date and time are from today when I opened the app. One of the clips starts off as September 2015 and in the middle of the clip you can see the time stamp switch from September 2015 to the current date and time. This happened when I opened the app and connected to the camera while it was recording. At this point I don't know how long the camera holds the correct date and time before reverting back to September 2015. The camera is used everyday.
This happened when I opened the app and connected to the camera while it was recording. At this point I don't know how long the camera holds the correct date and time before reverting back to September 2015. The camera is used everyday.
This camera uses capacitors for the power source, it cannot hold time if long time without usage!
Anyway, if the camera resets the time every day, it might be the hardware problem with its capacitor! You can contact the seller for a replacement camera!