Background noise

David Abel

New Member
Aug 1, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Just fitted my new Mini 0803 yesterday & had the dreaded locked off with continuous sound however it reset its self after the battery went flat & it seems ok now. My other problem is that when recording even when out of the car & operating on the battery I get a continuous noise a bit like a motor running is this normal?

I think that is probably normal, however it should be completely drowned out by the foreground noise - car engine and road noise, I had to turn the volume up to hear anything. Have you tried it in the car yet?
Thanks Nigel, yes I have used it in the car & thought it must be some electrical interference thats why I tried it in the house using it on the battery. But if thats normal I can live with it.
I think it is electrical noise generated by the processor/sensor chips. They seem to have avoided putting a decent power supply capacitor in the camera, probably for reliability reasons since it gets too hot for normal electrolytic capacitors.
It shouldn't interfer with the Mini 0803's ability to record accidents and like Nigel said, it'll most likely be drowned out from road noise.
