Bad drivers again! Dam near got taken out but a woman in a navara. !!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Jul 17, 2015
Reaction score
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Dash Cam
Cobra CDR 840, and sometimes iPhone 5s with car cam app
This is a clip of bad driving, but the one that made me post it here is a very ignorant woman in a nissan navara that blatently shoots a stop street and drives around the front of my car!!!!!! Then waves me off like its all good. WTH!!!!!

I hate A wipes that do that, then they look at you like you did something wrong not them. like yesterday I was going around a dual laned round about and a lady that was turning left from my left and I was going straight ahead from her right in the right hand lane and as she turned the corner just veered into the right hand lane making me brake to avoid running up her A. I got on the horn for a good 30 seconds behind her then when I passed gave her the look and she was sitting there not knowing what she did wrong. some people shouldn't have a license.
I hate A wipes that do that, then they look at you like you did something wrong not them. like yesterday I was going around a dual laned round about and a lady that was turning left from my left and I was going straight ahead from her right in the right hand lane and as she turned the corner just veered into the right hand lane making me brake to avoid running up her A. I got on the horn for a good 30 seconds behind her then when I passed gave her the look and she was sitting there not knowing what she did wrong. some people shouldn't have a license.
I here you, they know full well what they are doing. Everybody makes mistakes , but at least I own it, if I stuff up I put my hand up and say sorry, etc.
just had another one today, some idiot turning right at a 2 lane round about from the left lane, copped the horn from me again.
Ja I must admit that is my biggest pet peeve, when people are not big enough to own their mistakes. That comes down to an attitude of self entitlement.
I hate A wipes that do that, then they look at you like you did something wrong not them. like yesterday I was going around a dual laned round about and a lady that was turning left from my left and I was going straight ahead from her right in the right hand lane and as she turned the corner just veered into the right hand lane making me brake to avoid running up her A. I got on the horn for a good 30 seconds behind her then when I passed gave her the look and she was sitting there not knowing what she did wrong. some people shouldn't have a license.
this is real unbearable
Let's Dash Cam to recording all uncivilized behaviors