Bad Experience with Aliexpress / Shenzhen CG Electronics


New Member
Jan 18, 2013
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United States
It has been a while since I posted my review of the camera F70 itself. Now, it is the time to share my purchase exerpeience with you. Later, I will let you know the firmware version when I can check it and upload video if/when I have some free cycles.

I followed the link on this web site and bought mine from "Shenzhen CG Electronics Co., Ltd. " on AliExpress. It was a negative experience. In short, dont expect there will be any favorable remedy to you if your purchase has any issue and dont expect AliExpress will really help you in any way. They are there to protect seller NOT you, the consumer. Basically, you should consider your purchase is done at the moment when you submit order. Dont expect you can do anything if there is a dispute. Whatever you get is whatever you can get.

As mentioned in my first posting, I had some problem. The remote control did not work at all. The images were not so clear and it was NOT wide angle AT ALL. So, I contacted the seller right away. The seller asked me to remove the film protecting the battery which I had done it already. I tried many different ways (e.g. re-installing battery, shaking and touching to make sure not just loose contact, making it very close to the camera, etc.). It did not work. The seller's language was not polite but I assumed it was just poor English. The seller accused me of trying to make it wide angle since I asked whether there was any setting which could allow me to set it in the wide angle mode. They claimed to be 140D and I measured to be less than 90D. So, it was understandable to check whether it was adjustable since the one out of the box did not show the angle. But the seller's language suggested s/he was not happy why I even tried to adjust.

Then I asked for solution. The seller said I could send back to get refund. I checked and found the postage may cost me 1/3 of the purchase price. I asked the seller to cover that or give me some discount or send me a new remote control which works. The seller was MAD and started cursing me as foreign devil. The only solution they could do was to let me send back and refund me only the purchase price. I told them it was not fair since they could simply send me a wrong product, even intentionally, and ask me to send back on my own fare. Because it is so expensive to send it back and I dont know what they will really do even if I send it to them, I felt I should try others rather than sending it back. From the negative experience I had already got at the time, I really doubted they would even refund after they received it or it might take endless back and forth or forever. It would mean I will lose more bucks and also the camera itself. I guessed the seller probably knew it and that was why they insisted on I send it back rather than any other solutions. To their end, there is nothing to lose. If I dont send it back, they accuse it is my fault. If I send it back, they can use it to cheat on the next one while still not refunding my purchase. People might think if they cheat like that it will hurt their reputation and cause them lose business in long term. Well, think it again after reading what I am going to share next.

The case was escallated to AliExpress since based on what they claimed they would hold back my payment until I am satisfied with a purchase. That was a big thing to make me go with them when I saw it before purchasing. It was the first time I ever dealt with AliExpress. I thought that would be something to rely on. AliExpress sent me a note asking me to supply a video to show my dispute claim in 3 days. If I had not responded, the payment would be released to the seller. I was busy in those days. But in order to make sure it would not happen, I scrambled with so many late night hours trying to make it. Now, you see it is not really until I am satisfied with a purchase or with a dispute. They would simply release it within 3 days.

The problem was that by following their link, for uploading video, in the email they sent me I could not find the place to upload video (actually they just need the link to the video uploaded to some other web site). I spent hours trying to figure out where to tell them the link to the video since if they had said that would be the place it got be hidden somewhere. I simply could not find the place by following their link after many late night hours. The next day I simply put that link (to the video uploaded) into my dispute message itself. Then I opened another dispute directly with AliExpress for the same case. I put the link of the video to that dispute and referenced the earlier dispute by their case number. I could see both disputes in my account then. To be sure of no mistake, on the 3rd day I opened another dispute with AliExpress telling the whole story with all reference numbers to let them know that I could not put the link into the first one. I knew they had been monitoring my dispute with the seller since they extracted some info from the communication when they sent me the note. So, I put it also into that thread.

But I never heard back from AliExpress. I tried to contact them and not responded. In a few days, I saw those disputes marked as closed. Not just the first one. All three were marked as closed. Then I went back to my transaction which had been marked as pending due to dispute. It was marked as completed. I guessed it meant they had released the payment and considered the case was closed. This was not until "satisfied with a purchase". They are not protecting consumers. They help sellers to rip off consumers. They had been monitoring my dispute since they took the initiative to escalate the case and sent me note with what I complained to the seller. But when I could not figure out where to give them the link of the video and put that link into the dispute itself, they started "not mornitoring" it any more or ignoring it. They did not give me the right place to send them the video link. How could I make them see it within that 3 days? They gotta have read all three disputes before closing them all. But they ignored whatever was in there. So, they did not really want to help me. They simply tried to pretend they had done something so that they had the execuse to release the payment.

If it had been that they really did not see the 2nd and 3rd dispute they should not have closed them all together and they should have tried to contact me for the 2nd and 3rd. But nothing happened after that and I could not even get response from them any more. So, their so called dispute process or holding back payment is a joke. I could see others rated their transactions. But when I tried to rate when it was still pending. I could see the link but it was disabled since the transaction was not completed yet. That was fair. But when it was "completed", I tried again trying to rate my transaction or the seller. I could not. The links were gone. I could not do anything with the transaction. I could not leave feedback and could not rate. Well, they surely would not want se to do those since I would definitely give them the lowest marks. Now, I understand why those rating and comments on the site for the seller were good. Because the bad ones could not be even left there.

That is why I will never buy anything on AliExpress. Basically, their dispute process is a joke. It will not protect you at all and it is just a trick to make it easier for getting you in. When you buy there, you will have to think in a way that even if it goes bad and lose everything you are still fine then you can buy it there. If you feel the price is so good and worth of taking the risk to be cheated on, you can buy there since even if the money is completely lost you have mentaly be prepared. Actually they will send you something. But may not be what you thought you would get. If you really get good, you will be happy.

So good luck if you go to buy from them!
Re: i1000 / F70 / X6 720P Dual Lens DVR Dash Camera

I have only good experiences with AliExpress. I always send a message to send me the correct thing before shipping.
I understand that your camera is recording. If you are not satisfied with the recording quality they will not help you because too many things from China have this quality and AliExpress know that so they can't close almost all stores because of this. And even the seller is not always trying to sell a bad product because he can't control everything is coming from the factory (they are changing the quality to have a good price) or the retailers which are looking to a cheaper sources to be competitive. This is the reason for chinese fakes of the chinese.

If you are receiving a bad quality camera and can't take the money back just let a very negative feedback before sending it.

This is the reason for chinese fakes of the chinese.
Sorry to hear this.. You should have good communication with seller when you meet a problem with seller. Most sellers are responsible with customers.
Did you try to report it to MasterCard...they could do a reverse have the right to do a "charge-back" if you have a problem with your product !!!
Wow good job I read this! was thinking of buying from CG-Electronics (on Ebay)

Dont think I would buy from them now

Some bad feedback also on Ebay

Problem with buying anything expensive from China is sending it back. Even if you do send it and bare the cost it never gets there (no record) and the chinese just say they have never received it so you are stuffed - lost the item and the money with no recall and usually they can drag it on so that it runs out of time to complain to Ebay. This is from one experience I had ---- its a problem. However with cheap small items they have been helpful so you can read what you like into that?

pete :)
I am also having a bad experience with a Seller on Ali Express, it is with the seller Boutique Discout Shop.(Yes their name is missing an N on Discount)
I bought a GS8000 from them on the 23rd and they had a DHL option 3-7 days available for free, included in the price.
Everything went fine until I received an update from the seller saying the product was shipped and giving me a China post airmail tacking # :shock:
They also told me in the message that in order to reduce costs the product was sent without the box but was nicely bubble wrapped!!! :o
More details on my post about AliExpress.
The problem I have now is that I want to buy the F8000 with the Ambarella chip but the only people (on Ebay) that sell it seem to be CG Electrics

Had a look at their feedback on Ebay and they are at 97% and some of the comments worry me

Ebay will help if there is a problem but I hate taking the risk after reading the comments on here

Does anyone know of any other seller (am in UK) for the F8000 because it seems a good quality camera from what I see

Dont want to buy a rip off so would appreciate any advice

pete :D
peterx666 said:
The problem I have now is that I want to buy the F8000 with the Ambarella chip but the only people (on Ebay) that sell it seem to be CG Electrics

Had a look at their feedback on Ebay and they are at 97% and some of the comments worry me

Ebay will help if there is a problem but I hate taking the risk after reading the comments on here

Does anyone know of any other seller (am in UK) for the F8000 because it seems a good quality camera from what I see

Dont want to buy a rip off so would appreciate any advice

pete :D

Many that post positive reviews are from their own employees. They are forced to do it because of all the negative comments.
Many negative comments are also deleted.

I've lost about $1200 with dealing with sellers on aliexpress and alibaba.
I will never ever buy from China again. They simply do not care who they burn.

About time the West black listed these two sites or any sites out in China. Then perhaps the Chinese government
police authoritiees will investgate then send these crims to jail where they belong.

This is as bad as those nigerian scammers.

Here are a few sites which warn about Aliexpress and Alibaba.
I can post many more sites. I only looked into this in much more detail after my last run in with these criminals.

Aliexpress is owned by Alibaba. ... om-a-scam/ ... ndal_china ... hp?t=49557 ... -c204b.htm ... -websites/
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peterx666 said:
will avoid these two.... thanks

To get the Ambarella chip you want I would contact and ask where do they sell these chips
to and ask for Western based countries that they sell to.

Contact details on the site below.

They may take a few days to get back to you but at least you'll get into contact with the right dash cam supplier in your neck of the woods.
Ask for a factory they sell to. Then contact that factory on who they sell to in your area. Its the only way you'll know what you are getting.

I'm really disgusted that I was fooled the last time with Alibaba and before that Aliexpress. Only found out later that both were owned
by the same mob of crooks.
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