battery life for Timelpase


May 13, 2015
Reaction score

I want to upgrade my old Yi to the new one, but I'd also like to know what is the average time those of you who owns it can get on a Timelapse shooting regular mode (not video TL). I saw in many reviews that video time is incredible, but I'm interested in knowing TL time.

Thanks in advanced
I received mine earlier this week. Like you I wanted to know about time-lapse battery life before I bought it but could not find any good information about it. I bought the camera anyway.

I did a test time-lapse 0.5 duration with the screen locked / off and it lasted for about 1.5 hour, not very different from video battery life. A bit disappointing. I think it is because the camera itself stays on while it is doing time-lapse.
Thank you so much. I find it strange that in all the reviews not even one sates time-lapse time. It should be of the ABCs of action cameras reviews imho. 1.5 hours is fine for me, so it's good. I think it also depends. When I'm doing a long time-lapse of a few hours outside I always take my external battery with me as it has 20,000mAh and with the old Yi it can last a lot of time (mostly because the Yi 1 has a 3.7V like most batteries instead of 5V like smartphones). The only exceptions is when I take it near a watersource and then I need to rely on battery only.

I made a time-lapse just to check it out, and after an hour of 2s intervals on 8MP I was left with 72% on the battery. Pretty good for me :)