Battery Pack and Cam Powering Off


May 18, 2023
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
United States
I bought the BlackVue DR770X Box and battery pack for my SUV.
Parking mode is an important feature for me and while the battery pack is nice to have, I'm concerned that it may defeat one of the most important features of the camera.
So, here's my question: when the battery pack runs out of power, will the camera power off or will it draw from the car's battery (battery pack plugged into cigarette lighter port)?
It will turn off. You have to make sure the ACC hardwire goes into a fuse that turns off when the car is off. For mine I ended up using washer jets fuse, I'm sure others here will offer advice on what is best for your car.
Most of the dash camera battery packs have their charging power connected to a switched/accessory power source. When the accessory power source is turned off, the battery pack then turns off the ACC+ power that is sent to the dash camera (if it's used in the power connection to the dash camera). The power source for the dash camera is always the battery pack and not the vehicle's battery. When the charge of the dash camera battery pack is depleted, the dash camera turn off.

The only battery pack (that I've tested) that operates somewhat differently is the Thinkware iVolt Xtra BAB-95. Its charging power is connected to a constant power source. There's an "ACC In" wire in the output harness that is used to tell the BAB-95 when to charge using the constant battery power input power. The power being fed to that dash camera is from the dash camera battery pack and not the vehicle, so when depleted it turns off the output power to the dash camera.