Best 1 channel dashcams?


Active Member
Oct 17, 2013
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I was wondering what the experts on here regard as the best forward looking dashcams? I know the Panorama is regarded as a good one at a reasonable price. How about if the budget is not a huge concern? (OK I don't mean military grade cameras etc, but consumer grade)

Reason for asking is I am demoting my LS430W to rear facing after having two separate incidents behind me where I required video for court/police. The LS430W is a great cam, the only things I don't like about it:
1. Blurred a lot during high temps
2. Battery needed replacement on arrival (to something safe and reasonable)
3. Parking mode is totally useless (not sensitive enough)

Most important factors for me:

1. Reliability
2. Image quality Night and Day, extreme cold/hot
3. GPS with time synch and on video time/date

Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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Somthing with Sony IMX 322 sensor in it, and capasitors

Panorama - street guardian, with thise you can allso shop "locally" just south of the border, and enjoy good after sale support and service.
If you've already seen issues with the focus on the DOD then potentially you'd see the same with a lot of others as it's a pretty common problem when they use plastic parts.

Judging by your requirements there I'd say if you want parking mode then look at the Panorama G / X1 type cameras which are both in the US under the Street Guardian branding as the SGZC12SG and SGZC12RC - the main difference between the two is lack of GPS on the RC.

If you're not so bothered about parking mode the SG9665GC is a great option - saying that work is ongoing to improve parking mode over every other Novatek device out there, it's something I need to test at some point.
Thanks, yeah I am really not bothered by lack of (working) parking mode. The focus issues is a big one though.
So does the SG9665GC also suffer from that hot blur then to your knowledge?
Panorama - street guardian, with thise you can allso shop "locally" just south of the border, and enjoy good after sale support and service.

Or, he can shop "locally" just north of the border with the new Canadian distributor ... :-)
That would be good too, if he carry these products he should also have the means to keep his customers happy should problems arrise.
What do you think the capacitor power record time is on that 9665GC? I see Auto Power Off options of at least 5 minutes after engine off, so I assume approx 5 minutes? Thinking of a scenario where I need to document a crash scene outside the car. So at least 3 minutes would be nice.
What do you think the capacitor power record time is on that 9665GC? I see Auto Power Off options of at least 5 minutes after engine off, so I assume approx 5 minutes? Thinking of a scenario where I need to document a crash scene outside the car. So at least 3 minutes would be nice.

I'm guessing you don't understand how capacitor based cameras work, it will (as all capacitor based cameras do) power down a few seconds after you cut power, the auto power off function is when the camera is turned on but not recording
I'm guessing you don't understand how capacitor based cameras work, it will (as all capacitor based cameras do) power down a few seconds after you cut power, the auto power off function is when the camera is turned on but not recording
I guess anything is possible depending on their capacity. I was actually basing my question on the review here
which stated the Auto Power Down is for when you switch your car off.
That will be an error then, will check that and make sure it gets cleared up if that's the case
No news on that yet?
Also I have a wild question: do you think it would be possible/safe to swap out capacitors in the Street Guardian to a LiPo? (I know this is not what you'd expect, but I do kind of need some time with the cam outside the vehicle)

Edit: Yeah that was non recording timeout setting, not recording after engine off. (confirmed on YT vid)
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I would not recomend opening the 9665GC to swap capasitors for lipo, if i was to make mine mobile i would just use the small 4000 mah USB power bank i have.
Only problem would be to fine a short enuff USB cable, 10 - 20 Cm long, my USB power bank will strap to the 9665GC with a rubber band.

But i think anything outside the car after crash i would just use my smartphone to dokument.
it would void warrenty, and i am not sure if it will work.
At least the other way around going from lipo to capasitors have proven to be impossible in some / many cases.
But in regard to room for the battery i think it will be fine as the capasitors seem to be larger than the lipos in many cases.

Dont you have a smartphone to film outside the car ? i know not all have a smartphone, my friend beeing one of them :D

I cant remember if Niko have posted some pictures with the 9665GC taken apart, he often do that with cameras he tast, and now sell as he have becone a "dashcam pusher"
Yeah I don't usually have a phone that takes good quality video. Dont want to upgrade as the data plans in Canada are major ripoffs I just can't accept.
I say, it would be a good idea to offer dashcams with LiPo and with Caps, depending on customer choice. :) my2c