Blackvue DG500w-wifi @15000kbps - onboard my truck near miss

Re: Blackvue DG500w-wifi @15000kbps - onboard my truck near

That was CRAZY close! Bet you felt that one! :o

Times like that, you thank yourself for your quick reflexes, sometimes makes you wish you had some of those onboard systems that Volvo is starting to put into their trucks now. Can't recall the name, but if someone were to do that same thing it stops the truck for you or some such nonsense like that.
Re: Blackvue DG500w-wifi @15000kbps - onboard my truck near

that was super close I though you're going to hit the van.

Nice videos, I subbed your channel
Re: Blackvue DG500w-wifi @15000kbps - onboard my truck near

I do not run the Camera in my car / 4x4

Today would you believe it, a car and caravan driven by an elderly retired man decided to do a U-Turn in front of me on the way to work, without looking properly and I just simply could not stop in my 4x4, light damage but by virtue of my 4x4's age I fully expect it to be written off.................arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, pissed off ain't the word.

I will of course be setting up cams in my other vehicles for capturing other such stupidity !!!
Re: Blackvue DG500w-wifi @15000kbps - onboard my truck near

Holy crap that was crazy... Did you actually hit him????
Re: Blackvue DG500w-wifi @15000kbps - onboard my truck near

luckily no one was injured in this accident.

I had this once when there was a little crash it wasn't my fault but I actually didn't had a camera in the car.

It's so bad when you had an accident and you don't had your car cam in your car
Re: Blackvue DG500w-wifi @15000kbps - onboard my truck near

Spectacular video! You seem to be going a little bit too fast though compared to traffic flow, but for the sake of my entertainment I wouldn't want you to change anything about it :D