Bluetooth Remote Not Working with A229 (SOLVED - I hope)


Nov 19, 2022
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
United States
I got the remote in December and it was pairing and working fine. Recently, with firmware V1.1_1208 it would not pair. The tiny LED on the remote just flashed red. I opened a support ticket and Bill Zhou replied quickly with a link to firmware version V1.1_0105. This has solved the issue, however, I don't know if I'm up-to-date with this firmware, compared to V1.1_1208, and if a future update might kill the remote.
Update: After installing the firmware (for A229) that Bill Zhou provided the remote paired and worked properly for a few days. However, it has stopped working again. The red light flashes and then stops and the remote will not pair.
The latest firmware is supposed to fix this. I've been using the beta version until today, and the remote still would not pair if the camera had been turned off. Turning it off and back on allowed pairing to work.
I should tell you - It is absolutely same firmware files - byte to byte comparison show no differences between beta from and latest firmware from viofo support site. It is just lo-o-o-ong delay for publish firmwares on site.
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