Blurriness in corner image


May 20, 2015
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I've noticed this issue for a while now, but haven't bothered with it much as it isn't critical. However it is something that's been annoying me for a while now and other owners don't seem to experience the issue.

Whenever I view one of my videos I'll notice the image is very sharp and clear in the center, but anything to the side will be blurry. This is especially noticeable for license plates.
The linked videos are on YouTube and I know you prefer the raw video files, however you can see that the plates in the examples are clear and readable in the center, but not to the sides. Therefor I don't beleive the raw files will provide more information.
I have plenty of raw files available that shows the issue, so if needed I can upload some.

My question is simply whether there's anything I can do about it. I'm in the process of replacing my V1 with a V3, but I'd like to reuse the cam as a rear dashcam.
I've gone through some of my very old footage and the issue seems to have always been there..

If you could find some good sunny day footage from slow driving like in open air shopping centre etc. car park ( no trees, buildings around ) this would be helpful for inspection and making conclusion.
If you could find some good sunny day footage from slow driving like in open air shopping centre etc. car park ( no trees, buildings around ) this would be helpful for inspection and making conclusion.

Hmm, I'll see what I can do... Not the sunniest days right now.
Hmm, I'll see what I can do... Not the sunniest days right now.
Same here. But if at some stage you will get nice weather please save some footage from similar scenario I described above.

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Same here. But if at some stage you will get nice weather please save some footage from similar scenario I described above.

Sent from my LG-H962 using Tapatalk

The footage I linked for jokiin includes a very small segment of me driving past a couple of parked cars slowly. It was a sunny day, but it's very limited footage. It starts at 3:17 and only lasts until the end of the street where I dropped of my girlfriend and then turned around.
It may be useful. If not I'll have to go out to create new footage. All my current footage is of me driving at either city speed or motorway speed.
From that footage first impression it looks normal, center is sharp and than more to the edges it's getting a little bit blurry is normal for that scene considering weather conditions, shadoes, morning, nearby buildings etc, but it's early to say, need to see perfect day scene if you will get a chance.



WOOOW, this was VERY CLOSE CALL !! ???

A Very Close Call.jpg
WOOOW, this was VERY CLOSE CALL !! ???

Yeah, very close call indeed. A couple of seconds later and a collision may have happened. That's a driveway he's coming from btw. Very silly of him to not give way to potential traffic, even though it's a dead end street, so there won't be as much traffic.