Brand New Mobius 1s C2

May 15, 2016
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Mobius C2 c/w super capacitor/Mobius 1s C2
Just arrived today. While setting up the parameters, I could not set the time rate for taking photos. My older Mobius allowed me to vary the automatic time frame as to when the photo would be taken. 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, etc. My new camera, the 1sC2 does not have that capability. Or am I missing something??
The 1S does not have a photo timelapse option in the public firmware. However, I am aware that it is in development.
The 1S does not have a photo timelapse option in the public firmware. However, I am aware that it is in development.
It seems odd that the photo mode would not have this function. Without it the user is required to push the button manually each and every time a photo is wanted by the user. How is that possible if the camera is on your RC car, or your RC airplane, or even velcroed on the peak of your ball hat. Strange. I hope they will remedy that soon...
Okay, here's something really weird. I just got back from using my new M1s (and since the photo time lapse doesn't work) I had to use the video. I came home and plugged it into the computer to see what the results were. This is what the screen showed. Apparently, I can't even watch the video now. I can only assume that the Video CODEC is set to the wrong one, and should be H.264 AVC. Being quite ignorant to most things computer, I am most puzzled as to why these parameters show this result. I thought that the H.265 HEVC is the latest and greatest, and I was expecting the resulting video to be out of this world. But no. I run into this mess. What is happening??


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Use H264. It's a standard that almost everyone can play. It's unfortunate that Mobius insist on setting H265 as the default setting.

FWIW, I've never paid for any extensions to be able to play H265 / HEVC. I'm not up to speed on which OS and players can do it though.
You know, I purchased this M1S so I could 'enjoy' all the latest updates it has to offer. Little did I know that it did not have a time lapse in photo mode, or I would be unable to take advantage of the ultra clear video on the H265 HEVC. Seems that it is a lesser version of the one I had unless I pay to 'upgrade'. Bogus.