Buggy night mode (DVR-047)


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Reaction score

I've got a DVR-047. Don't know for sure if it's an fake or not. CTK2365 chip, green text on top, charges via USB, no HDMI, fake 720p.

Well, I have an annoying bug at night. Set to 50Hz flicker rate (idk why such option changes it so much) and it works at an decent framerate, but looks like I'm driving with headlights off during a blackout. at 60Hz Illumination is rather good, but it seems like to be working at 7FPS and has an weird green line moving on the bottom of the video (both are not visible on the 2.5" screen).

Here's an example:

0:00 to 1:37 it is working at 50Hz. 1:38 'till the end, it works at 60Hz. It gets worse on 60hz at high speeds (60kph+)

Does anyone have this problem? Do anyone know a fix for this? Drives me nuts

Green lines are related to fake HD. Setting to D1 (?) or VGA fixes it.
FPS is higher, but it is still too damn low (15fps maybe)
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Shots @ D1 resolution

Indoor test:
60Hz, IR Lights, small room.

50Hz, IR Lights, small room.

(I kinda noticed that when it is too dark, camera turns off the noise reduction to try catch some detail. I'll be taping the IR LEDs, they're useless anyway)

Outdoor test @ VGA Resolution:

Day, 60hz set

Night, 60hz set

Night, 50hz set

I'm not sure if I should use 50hz (dark) or 60hz (laggy). @ 50Hz seems like it completely stops to correct the video illumination
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This is definitely a fake camera. Really strange problem of having different video performance at 50Hz vs 60Hz. I am not aware of any solution to this problem.
DashCamMan said:
This is definitely a fake camera. Really strange problem of having different video performance at 50Hz vs 60Hz. I am not aware of any solution to this problem.

I would think that's not typical even though a cheaper version, more likely a hardware fault
That's what I was afraid of =/ I'll try to sell this camera and buy an decent one from one of the trusted retailers from here.
Funny though that it records daylight movies flawlessly, at 50 or 60hz