BV Video Files...


Active Member
Feb 13, 2019
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United Kingdom
I'm c.onsidering getting a BV 2ch system for my car. I've had a previous 2 camera system but its old tech now and I want to move forward(!). The old system has a couple of drawbacks and I can't find anything in the BV documentation that covers these questions so would be grateful of any help...

  1. When recording in Normal mode my old system records continuously but to multiple resulting files which are of 30s, 1min or 2min segments (menu controlled). Are the BV systems the same?
  2. When an Event occurs, a different file is started with an overlap between the Normal file and the Event file (latest 10seconds). The next Normal file doesn't start until the Event file is closed down. This is a PITA if I want to join several files together to get a whole journey segment into one file. Does the BV also have this overlap in file recordings?

  1. Current BV video lengths are 1 minute. You used to be able to adjust that up to 3 minutes, but that option went away recently.
  2. If an event occurs while in normal mode (driving), then the "normal" file ends early and the "event" file starts up. There's a 3-second overlap between all these files. I have a script that compensates for that (using FFMPEG), and I believe BV's Viewer app also compensates.
Thanks for that reply bpsmicro. Shame they couldn't eliminate that overlap but I guess its livable with... Looks like I might be finding out!
The overlap is there so that you record what happened before the bump. This is quite important in parking mode so that the video includes the bump and not just the culprit driving away as what happens in Nextbase cams.
If you specifically need a continuous non overlapped recording, then get a video camera instead/as well as a dashcam. Horses for courses and all that.