Capture anything interesting with your SG?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2016
Reaction score
United States
Today I passed the Google Street View car in my neighborhood...
PS - You can see overblown highlights everywhere, even though the sun was shining from the west (to the left).

Have you guys ever seen anything interesting on your Dashcam?


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Heh was already thinking that, just didn't know how long it would take them to put it up. :)
........Have you guys ever seen anything interesting on your Dashcam?.......

Not an SG9665GC, but here are a couple of interesting short clips from my SGZC12RC (I can't fit a SG9665GC in my car due to a large mirror/sensor housing, otherwise these clips would have been recorded by a SG-GC):


.....and a clip from a completely unrelated cam, but as close as it gets to witnessing a roadkill:


Yikes, that poor bird got one heck of a wakeup call!
Thanks guys!
Yes but i tend to grab that footage of any of the other cameras in my windscreen, but lately i captured a guy overtaking to the Right, and here that's the bicycle path and sidewalk.
That footage was in the local news a few days ago, but police still haven't done anything about it as in general they are undermanned, and also now they have to send 54 ppl down south to guard the DK/German border so no immigrants sneak over into hour little piece of heaven on earth.
And not forgetting police have stand armed guard at some religions places of meeting due to other religions not liking that other religion, and though we are a primitive a nation where we have a state religion all other religions are also okay here, even if they hate each other like the plague.
So now the police here in eastern Jutland ( and all other places in the country ) are so undermanned they can only deal with person dangerous things right here and now, everything else will have to go thru their filter of prioritization.

So its not that often i look at the SD card from the SG camera, not least now that i have a 128Gb card in the camera.
Plenty interesting things, but let's have a look at this instead:

nice babes. you need English subtitles.
good mic on the unit hasn't it.
Amazing sound on the thing!

English subs here: "haha that's a strange little car!"
If only i could afford it, then i would go drive on our motorways, seem it have become popular to trow large stones and what not onto it from overpasses since some tourist was killed that way a few months back :oops:

We are now at a level where 130 km/h traffic on the motorway will hit the brake if they see someone stand on a motorway overpass, so i am expecting pileups soon cuz the ppl on the motorway doing 130 are also doing their facetwitt updates and what not.

At least the police are starting to catch some of those dumb ass kids, but sadly the police cant do to them what some one did to a 25 year old satudarah member ( killed him and chopped him up in little pieces and then leaving those in a forest )
What kind of car do you have @Feitelijk?
I always thought it was an old 30's roadster...
it might be that exact car, you can see a cam in the window.
Although it's a Westfield and not a Caterham I LOVE that commercial. Best ever!