Car battery keeps dying with Power Magic Pro


New Member
Sep 24, 2014
Reaction score
United States
So with the Power Magic Pro I have been unable to start my car when the juice gets low. Maybe the last time I put in a new battery was last October, when I experienced the same issues. I would park it outside and on cold mornings the car wouldn't start. I put in a new battery and things were good as new but now 8 months later this battery is starting to go again.

Today it was hotter than normal, 85 degrees or so and I was kinda stranded in the parking lot because my car wouldn't start. I blame the power magic pro. Anybody else ever experienced this?? It's kind of a serious issue if one can't start their own car. This is the 3rd or 4th battery I've gone thru since installing last August. (!!!)

Luckily I drive stick shift so I was able to push start my car