Cellink Neo caused errors on Car - FIXED - Settings to know about

Diamond Dog

New Member
Dec 17, 2019
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S Cal
United States
I have a Cellink Neo and it would not charge past 16%. One day all myy car alert lights went on and car would not work. Starting and stopping it would not reset.

Unplgged the Cellink Neo 6 battery and car is fine.

Battery will not charge past 16%. It is hardwired.

Ran the Bluetooth connected app and I would get a "low voltage" warning all the time. Input voltage would drop to 10.4v a lot of times when car was running.

Solution was to change the input switch from High to Low and everything works fine. No more low voltage warning and battery charges to 100%

I thought that when hardwiring it should be on the High setting, but apparently not. I really would like to understand this, but at least it is solved.

I am wondering if there is any harm in setting these things to low even if it is hardwired. It says in the manual that high is for 9 A conections and low is for 5A cigeratte lighter connections. Maybe the installer hooked to a 5A circuit?
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