Charging Cellink B at home (UK)


Mar 24, 2017
Reaction score
United Kingdom
What is the best power inverter to enable me to charge my Cellink B at home in the UK. I understand it has to be greater than 5 amp to be able to charge the 6 amp Cellink.

What does user manual says ?
The one we carry now is a 10A one, we found with ones that were rated up to 6A would get hot and stop charging the battery after about 20 minutes.
After checking out loads of user reviews for a excellent 10 amp charger for charging my Cellink battery at home I decided on getting a good quality one which I purchased from amazon, its well made with a warranty of 18 months, it has a overload protection if the load exceeds maximum 150W switching off automatically,it also has a overheat protection controlled by a inner sensor which protects the power adapter from overheat, and a short circuit protection stopping the power adapter from working and the external device will be switched off, also comes with a built in fan to keep itself cool, and two led indicators.

Would be purchasers should note that when connecting to a external device, ie a cellink battery and plugging into the mains it first appears to be dead but don't worry it takes about a minute to start charging, my guess for this to occur is the built in protection system on the charger and possibly the cellink battery as well, I thoroughly recommend this excellent quality charger it was certainly worth paying a little extra £26.99 from, $29.99 from
The one we carry now is a 10A one, we found with ones that were rated up to 6A would get hot and stop charging the battery after about 20 minutes.

In other words, it is recommended to order the charger from
In other words, it is recommended to order the charger from

Not necessarily, we actually originally tested a unit from Canadian tire that seems to work well.
Not necessarily, we actually originally tested a unit from Canadian tire that seems to work well.

Hm.. Will the warranty be disqualified if other chargers were used to charge the Cellink B instead of charging it via the car? I don't think it will but I want to be sure.
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Ha! I just ordered one from I can't wait to test it out when the Cellink B arrives.
Hm.. Will the warranty be disqualified if other chargers were used to charge the Cellink B instead of charging it via the car? I don't think it will but I want to be sure.

nah as long as your issue isn't isolated to that charger there shouldn't be any issues with warranty.
There is cutoff voltage for the Cellink B at which it will refuse to charge, I know this as mine will only charge with the engine running, if the engine is not running it just beeps a lot.
I don't know what the required voltage is though.