Charging led stays on, even after 12 hrs....


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
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If that happens, is the battery near it's end of life?
I use it in car and (sometimes) need it with battery for cordless recording.

You may need to buy a replacement battery, unless you're happy to use an external battery pack for cordless recording. Capacitors only have enough charge to save the last file being recorded when external power is cut, & maintain date / time.

What's the big pro on supercap?

Reliability, durability, increased temperature range tolerance, no risk of 'puffing'. Pretty much all $200+ DashCams use capacitors. Batteries are the sign of a cheap DashCam.
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You can buy the new higher capacity 820mAh Mobius replacement battery from Banggood for $5.99 USD. They also sell the super capacitor module for the same price. You could get both and have the benefits of both when you want or need them. :)
For me, I have one Mobius with a battery I use exclusively as a pocket camera and two others I use in vehicles that have super caps.
You can buy the new higher capacity 820mAh Mobius replacement battery from Banggood for $5.99 USD. They also sell the super capacitor module for the same price. You could get both and have the benefits of both when you want or need them. :)
For me, I have one Mobius with a battery I use exclusively as a pocket camera and two others I use in vehicles that have super caps.

OK, I think I'll do that then. One more: if I don't use the supercap'd Mobius for, say, 10 days, does that still give me the correct date/time?

Does it matter for the batt/cap., if I have a V3 motherboard, or an older type?
OK, I think I'll do that then. One more: if I don't use the supercap'd Mobius for, say, 10 days, does that still give me the correct date/time?

Does it matter for the batt/cap., if I have a V3 motherboard, or an older type?
The capacitor should hold enough charge to keep the RTC (Real Time Clock) running for about 10 days. Maybe a day or two longer but could depend on the manufacturing tolerances. Remember, if you have the supercap installed, you must never turn on the camera unless you have external power connected. If you do, you will likely drain the capacitors so fast that they won't be able to keep the RTC powered for more than a few seconds.
It doesn't matter if you have a V1, V2 or V3, but if you have a V1 or V2 and use the new 820 mAh battery it will take more than 2.5 hours to charge. I can't remember offhand how much longer, but count double charge time.
It doesn't matter if you have a V1, V2 or V3, but if you have a V1 or V2 and use the new 820 mAh battery it will take more than 2.5 hours to charge. I can't remember offhand how much longer, but count double charge time.

Alright, thanks all for the info, I have ordered both, so we'll see.

I don't mind charging time, as long as it doesn't damage anything.

Just out of curiousity, how long does the V3 take to charge the 850mAh?
Alright, thanks all for the info, I have ordered both, so we'll see.

I don't mind charging time, as long as it doesn't damage anything.

Just out of curiousity, how long does the V3 take to charge the 850mAh?
From memory, about 2.5 hours, i.e. the same as a V1 or V2 takes to charge the 520 mAh battery.