Cloud connected... cloud disconnected...


Active Member
Jul 23, 2017
Reaction score
United States
Hi All.
I have a 900 2ch. all up to date.
the cam connects to an AT&T Nighthawk hotspot in my truck and to my home Wi-Fi when I'm there.
Today.. late afternoon. while it was connected to the hotspot. it started to disconnect and reconnect. I did whatever I could to try to fix it. including formatting. unplugging the power. and nothing. so I thought I'll wait till I got home to see if it would do the same. and it did. so...
I formatted the card on my Mac and one other card that I have. and both do the same thing.
The cam starts.. it goes through the whole starting thing and it is recording. but it just keeps connecting and disconnecting from the cloud.
I think they're having a system maintenance today. do you guys think that's why is doing what is doing? it hasn't done that before during previous system maintenance.
The app has been acting weird.. like taking forever to load anything. including the news. I was trying to see the scheduled maintenance time and it won't even load that.
it has been re-installed. on an iPhone Xs. all up to date. and BlackVue doesn't make it easy to find this info. on their website. I googled it...and get 2017 maintenance schedules. with no link to current info.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
You are not alone! This afternoon, around 4 p.m. (CST) when I was coming home I experienced the EXACT SAME THING. My connection to the Cloud was connected then disconnected, connected and then disconnected. This happened all the way home. I thought at first it was my hotspot. I too am an AT&T customer and running a ZTE hotspot. At first I thought that my hotspot may be running really low on power but found when I got home it was still at 32% charge, so I am discounting this theory.

I have no clue as to what was happening, but I will see if I have the same issue on the way to work tomorrow and post my findings.
You are not alone! This afternoon, around 4 p.m. (CST) when I was coming home I experienced the EXACT SAME THING. My connection to the Cloud was connected then disconnected, connected and then disconnected. This happened all the way home. I thought at first it was my hotspot. I too am an AT&T customer and running a ZTE hotspot. At first I thought that my hotspot may be running really low on power but found when I got home it was still at 32% charge, so I am discounting this theory.

I have no clue as to what was happening, but I will see if I have the same issue on the way to work tomorrow and post my findings.

Thanks for the reply. Is good to know that is not just me. I was dreading having to deal with another exchange. I was starting to think that something was wrong with the cam.
Hopefully not.
I will try again later today. Their service maintanance usually last about 2 hours.. so I’m waiting... will post if anything changes.
Mine kept showing off line today also. Only when I got home, rebooted, then it connected to WiFi correctly and all was normal again....
Well.. it looks like it was all about their stupid maintenance... they should at least say something...
Mine is working fine now...
I will check mine on the way to work this morning. If it's still acting up, I'll let you know. I was totally unaware of their "maintenance" window.
i think the BV site was down, happened in UK also, late last night, but was connected again at 0300 hrs GMT
They released a new app update today which includes extra security for their Cloud services, so it seems they were doing maintenance on the Cloud service.

Cloud Privacy update. Privacy by default.
We have updated every BlackVue Over the Cloud and BlackVue Fleet Tracking dashcam privacy settings to private. This is a server-side update.
Users who wish to share their BlackVue dashcam name, video or audio publicly may do so under BLACKVUE CLOUD > Camera settings > Privacy settings.
Additionally, the dashcam Cloud registration process has been updated so sharing settings are set to private by default when registering a new camera.
Think they are trying to comply with GDPR principles and regulations :-) i did notice when i first logged on to the Cloud, Public viewing was enable by Default, so i changed settings
but will not update to newer version.
My cam worked flawlessly with the Cloud today. It must have been the upgrade after all.

Unfortunately, after the software upgrade, about 90% of the cameras are no longer showing on the global map, not even the ones that previously were set as "private" by the users.
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it was doing the same here
i realized it wasn’t my network so i figure they were having problems
i logged out to stop the annoying notifications

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