Cop cam

Fredrik Coulter

New Member
Sep 1, 2014
Reaction score
United States
I am looking for a two camera setup, with one camera facing front and a second very discrete camera on the right side of the car facing the driver and driver side window to record interactions with law enforcement personnel.

The front facing camera has multiple options, even though the Subaru Eyesight system limits location options. I'll probably post it in the corner of the driver side window. But what are my options for the CopCam? Obviously it wouldn't have a screen or other obvious signs of its existence.

And since the police can, and sometimes do, ask you to turn off your car, it should continue to operate for up to half an hour after the car is turned off.
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You're going to mount your cop cam full time and permanent? The Mobius is one of the smallest and most reliable. The battery, fully charged, lasts about an hour
How's the capacitor? I live in Florida.
It wouldn't run after you turn off the car. It only retains enough power to keep the internal clock going. I lived in a warm climate and just removed it when parked in the sun.
If you turn the key to ACC rather than turning the car off, the Mobius should continue to run. You need to make sure you don't turn the key off then go to ACC. Once power is disconnected the Mobius will shut down.
I would recommend the Innovv C1/2. It takes excellent video even in low light. Here's a couple of shots inside the house with no lights turned on and a dull, overcast sky. I think you will agree that they turned out pretty good. The colours are perfect.

If you have a power source that's always on, that would be great. If not, the camera will run for over 80 minutes on its own battery. And don't forget, the company that make this camera is preparing to release its latest model, the Innovv C3 fairly soon. This model has a remote lens which you can mount in a very discreet part of you vehicle.
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I live in Florida.

LiPo batteries are safe to around 45°C, above which they may swell in size, overheat, possible risk of fire.

The temperature inside a car parked in Florida sunshine could easily exceed 45°C. If your cameras will be permanently mounted, I suggest that you choose DashCams with capacitors not batteries.
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What you can do is purchase a dash cam with a capacitor and hardwire it to your battery so that it is kept on when the ignition is off.

Or do like me, ever since i got my innovv C1 it have had a permanent home in my pocket. ( minus a handfull of days )

If anything interesting happen i just whip it out and start recording, and its fairly small so i have no problem hiding it in my hand, and since its fairly wide angle if i do put it down i dont have to be aim it too hard to capture what i want.

Sadly i fogot to whip it out the day i got pulled over for a rutine DUI chek, would have love to get my first time blowing in the tester on tape.