Correct fuse to hardwire an auxiliary battery?


New Member
Aug 28, 2022
Reaction score
Garden Grove
United States
Dash Cam
Q800 Pro
Hi, I'm new to the group, thank you for having me to this wonderful forum.

I have an auxiliary battery that I'm trying to install on my vehicle and I'm now quite confused on which fuse to connect the input cable for my battery.

On the manual it says the input voltage spec is "12~18V" l 12A MAX" does this mean that I can connect the input cable to whatever fuse with amperage value below 12 ? (ex. 10A)

Or do I need to go with fuses with amaperage value above 12 ? (ex. 20A)

Thank you in advance..
The charging voltage spec on the manual is "14.2V" l 8A MAX"
I would read that as the maximum amperage draw to be 12 volts so I would need to connect to a circuit that would supply at least that amount. I would up that to a 20 amp circuit.
would read that as the maximum amperage draw to be 12 volts so I would need to connect to a circuit that would supply at least that
All units seem working fine so far. Thanks a lot!