CR-500HD doesn't start when connected to 12v adapter


New Member
Apr 24, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Just got a new CR-500HD in the mail today. I tested it out indoors powering it through the 5v USB port with a wall wart adapter, and everything seemed good. Automatically booted up and started recording video in normal mode when I plugged in the USB.

When I tried installing it in the car, no luck. If I connect it to 12v power with the supplied cigarette lighter adapter, it looks like it's booting up (top and bottom lights turn white) but then nothing happens. Doesn't automatically start recording, and I couldn't get it to record by pressing the camcorder button either.

Anybody else seen this? I could just power it in the car via the USB port and a cigarette lighter USB adapter, I suppose. Why does it even have the separate power jack?

Also, the configuration software is Windows only, and I don't have access to any Windows boxes at the moment, so I've been configuring by editing config.txt on the SD card. Is it a setting I'm missing?
There's no option in the settings that relate to what power source or anything so I doubt it's that.

No idea why it's not powering up though, sorry. :(
Have you contacted the seller?
If everything else is working fine, I can't see why not.