Crazy lady in a Dodge Magnum


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
I am bummed that I didn't download my card since Monday and I have lost about 20 miles of video. I got called into work 4hrs early the day I was doing a side show so it through me off of my routine. A couple of miles prior to move she rocketed by me on the right and a BMW was tailing her. As she passed her left front 22" wheel was shaking in protest as it was either massively out of balance and or her rotors were warped as bad as a 33 1/3 record left in the hot sun in Death Valley :D This lady didn't even wait to get to the part of the 242 split where some people cross the solid white line. She said screw it and went down the small hill and made her way all the way to the car pool lane in front of a Toyota Matrix where you can hear blaring it's horn. How on earth does she have a license or is even still alive if she drives like this regularly??? :eek: She was by herself as the sun shined through her tints as she was next to me just prior to this locked clip started.
