Dash Cam YouTube Channels: Learning Tool or Not So Much?

Apr 5, 2017
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Central Florida
United States
Dash Cam
Black Box G1W-H // Vantrue X1 Pro // Viofo A119-S V2
Hello all!

One more of these threads to stir up conversation and get to communicating with your fellow DashCamTalk member! Always remember,
these threads are 100% opinion based. There is no right or wrong answer; and as adults, I know we can handle all opinions, because we
know them as just that: opinions. So, we should look to understand and respect someone's opinions, rather than look to say rude or
demeaning things. It is okay to question someone's answer, but no challenging someone's thoughts. I think we can all handle that! :D

The other day I saw someone on here say that they think dash cam channels are not helpful, as they only point out people's flaws, and
they are purely for the entertainment of someone else's momentary downfall. They stated that they have never learned anything from
watching a dash cam channel, and that they didn't care for them. On the other hand, I saw someone else say that dash cam channels
have taught him what situations lead to crashes, so he was more able to spot and avoid them. He felt that dash cam channels and
people who share their captures online are doing a good thing by making people aware.

I of course run a channel on YouTube, and I can see both sides of the token and respect it but I remain neutral.

A.) What is your personal opinion on dash cam channels on YouTube?
B.) Do you think dash cam channels can be used as a learning tool?
C.) Would you say that dash cam videos have taught you to do anything differently?

Again, there is absolutely no wrong answer. It is cool to see that my other thread has gained so much interest. I figured maybe to float
one more topic out there for everyone to participate in. I'm interested to see what everyone thinks!

Thanks for participating!

- Florida Dashcam
Last edited:
Hello all!

One more of these threads to stir up conversation and get to communicating with your fellow DashCamTalk member! Always remember,
these threads are 100% opinion based. There is no right or wrong answer; and as adults, I know we can handle all opinions, because we
know them as just that: opinions. So, we should look to understand and respect someone's opinions, rather than look to say rude or
demeaning things. I think we can all handle that! :D

The other day I saw someone on here say that they think dash cam channels are not helpful, as they only point out people's flaws, and
they are purely for the entertainment of someone else's momentary downfall. They stated that they have never learned anything from
watching a dash cam channel, and that they didn't care for them. On the other hand, I saw someone else say that dash cam channels
have taught him what situations lead to crashes, so he was more able to spot and avoid them. He felt that dash cam channels and
people who share their captures online are doing a good thing by making people aware.

I of course run a channel on YouTube, and I can see both sides of the token and respect it but I remain neutral.

A.) What is your personal opinion on dash cam channels on YouTube?
B.) Do you think dash cam channels can be used as a learning tool?
C.) Would you say that dash cam videos have taught you to do anything differently?

Again, there is absolutely no wrong answer. It is cool to see that my other thread has gained so much interest. I figured maybe to float
one more topic out there for everyone to participate in. I'm interested to see what everyone thinks!

Thanks for participating!

- Florida Dashcam

First of all, great question. I have seen channels here in Australia that point out the injustices of drivers and list the road rules they are breaking. I find this vigilante stuff a bit long in the tooth, because if they are minor infractions then big deal that person is just wasting their time listing the errors - and if it is something more serious like an accident, then one should go to the police first. Even the police state this as their official position on the matter. When it comes to the matter of dash cam reviews, these are informative to compare image quality between different sensors etc, but i notice that with the advent of larger Chinese e-tailers such as GearBest, LITB etc, there are a lot of paid channels for the tech - and it's only a matter of time before dash cams fully suffer the same fate..

i don't think dash cams have taught me to do anything differently, the best practice is to follow the road rules set and taught to you by your jurisdiction, i mean for every once in a while if you're bored you can watch it as entertainment / shock value but nothing more.
A.) What is your personal opinion on dash cam channels on YouTube?
They can be very entertaining.

B.) Do you think dash cam channels can be used as a learning tool?

C.) Would you say that dash cam videos have taught you to do anything differently?
Only specific thing I can think of is the danger of low sunlight - how it can blind others of your presence, especially if you are coming out of the shadows.
But generally speaking, the big lesson is to take risks seriously. Nearly all of us convince ourselves that "it'll never happen to me." Well it can and it does. Even the unbelievable stuff. It's better to learn the lesson by seeing it happen to others than going through it yourself.
But there will always be some people convinced they have a magic immunity to disaster, thanks to their uber skills.
A.) What is your personal opinion on dash cam channels on YouTube?
B.) Do you think dash cam channels can be used as a learning tool?
C.) Would you say that dash cam videos have taught you to do anything differently?

A. People that make channels titled 'worst drivers of (insert any town name) area' that post monotonous videos of people rolling through stop signs, not indicating etc are lame beyond belief, they somehow think that their part of the world has the worst drivers and don't get that this stuff happens everywhere, I'm sure people like this are a barrel of laughs at a party, these are the driving equivalent of an unboxing video

B. Not really, dashcams yes, dashcam channels not so much, refer to lame content referenced above

C. Perhaps reviewing videos might make you rethink a situation that occurred, I feel a bigger influence on your driving is had by having a dashcam, I believe you become more self aware, what can exonerate you can also implicate you which I think makes you more conscientious of what you are doing out on the road
Hello all!

One more of these threads to stir up conversation and get to communicating with your fellow DashCamTalk member! Always remember,
these threads are 100% opinion based. There is no right or wrong answer; and as adults, I know we can handle all opinions, because we
know them as just that: opinions. So, we should look to understand and respect someone's opinions, rather than look to say rude or
demeaning things. It is okay to question someone's answer, but no challenging someone's thoughts. I think we can all handle that! :D

The other day I saw someone on here say that they think dash cam channels are not helpful, as they only point out people's flaws, and
they are purely for the entertainment of someone else's momentary downfall. They stated that they have never learned anything from
watching a dash cam channel, and that they didn't care for them. On the other hand, I saw someone else say that dash cam channels
have taught him what situations lead to crashes, so he was more able to spot and avoid them. He felt that dash cam channels and
people who share their captures online are doing a good thing by making people aware.

I of course run a channel on YouTube, and I can see both sides of the token and respect it but I remain neutral.

A.) What is your personal opinion on dash cam channels on YouTube?
B.) Do you think dash cam channels can be used as a learning tool?
C.) Would you say that dash cam videos have taught you to do anything differently?

Again, there is absolutely no wrong answer. It is cool to see that my other thread has gained so much interest. I figured maybe to float
one more topic out there for everyone to participate in. I'm interested to see what everyone thinks!

Thanks for participating!

- Florida Dashcam

A) Mine opinion may be too simple or off topic, but I can post whatever I want I have the right to
B) Yes, we see the use for cams, and it is mostly entertainment.
C) Yes, in America they aren’t as popular so I see different things in other countries. I did not realize how common the fraud was...with people trying to run in front of a moving car.
A: I like them but mostly see them as entertainment.
B: To some degree, but highly depending on the viewer intellect, some can be helped, some are too far gone in stupid to be reached, and will have to learn the hard way if they ever learn.
C: Not really i was already on a path to become a more responsible and caring driver before i got a dashcam, but at least in the 90ties i was the same selfish inconsiderate A - hole as so many out there, but also with driving i finally figured it out on my own.

With a great many things i have been in the wrong for a long time, but i have managed to turn things around on my own, and without any significant outside things to influence my decision to change.
A & B as Kamkar1 said so well (y) C has reinforced my earlier thinking and made me more aware of how quickly things can go sour from distances which I once thought I was safe. Also they have made me more aware of the oncoming traffic on undivided roads. Rarely is the center-line crossed here but when it happens the results are severe and can be widespread. Now more than ever I make sure I have space beside me when driving the inside lane on multi-lane undivided roads so that I can hopefully avoid the potential disaster. These vids are what you make of them regardless of the poster's intent ;) They can be fun or funny but they also make it very clear that the roads are chock-full of drivers without functioning brains who are just one eye-blink away from crashing you along with themselves :rolleyes: In that they do serve well as a public service reminder that you have to do their thinking too, not just your own o_O

A. People that make channels titled 'worst drivers of (insert any town name) area' that post monotonous videos of people rolling through stop signs, not indicating etc are lame beyond belief, they somehow think that their part of the world has the worst drivers and don't get that this stuff happens everywhere, I'm sure people like this are a barrel of laughs at a party, these are the driving equivalent of an unboxing video

B. Not really, dashcams yes, dashcam channels not so much, refer to lame content referenced above

C. Perhaps reviewing videos might make you rethink a situation that occurred, I feel a bigger influence on your driving is had by having a dashcam, I believe you become more self aware, what can exonerate you can also implicate you which I think makes you more conscientious of what you are doing out on the road
Pretty much covers it all. Agree totally, especially the “equivalent of an unboxing video”.
A.) What is your personal opinion on dash cam channels on YouTube?
B.) Do you think dash cam channels can be used as a learning tool?
C.) Would you say that dash cam videos have taught you to do anything differently?

A) Some are good, some a bad. It depends on what the person want to gain from them. A learning toot? A research tool? A entertainment tool? There are a wide variety of dash cam videos out there.

B) Yes I do. I have watched a lot of videos lately as I was in the market for a camera to replace a Garmin Dash Cam that developed an issue. I mainly used the videos to watch unboxing videos (I wanted to see what came with the cameras) and to watch the quality of the footage cameras offered. I don't have any plans on watching the compilation type videos that show accidents and / or bad drivers. These types of videos are mainly for entertainment purposes and do not interest me.

C) I mainly looked a camera placement and how others mounted the cameras I was researching. I also looked at glare, CPL's (if used), the angle of view and video quality under a variety of circumstances. This helped me rule out a few cameras and helped me include a few I was not originally considering.

Bottom line is I used dash cam videos as a research tool and have no interest in them from an entertainment standpoint.
Hello all!

One more of these threads to stir up conversation and get to communicating with your fellow DashCamTalk member! Always remember,
these threads are 100% opinion based. There is no right or wrong answer; and as adults, I know we can handle all opinions, because we
know them as just that: opinions. So, we should look to understand and respect someone's opinions, rather than look to say rude or
demeaning things. It is okay to question someone's answer, but no challenging someone's thoughts. I think we can all handle that! :D

The other day I saw someone on here say that they think dash cam channels are not helpful, as they only point out people's flaws, and
they are purely for the entertainment of someone else's momentary downfall. They stated that they have never learned anything from
watching a dash cam channel, and that they didn't care for them. On the other hand, I saw someone else say that dash cam channels
have taught him what situations lead to crashes, so he was more able to spot and avoid them. He felt that dash cam channels and
people who share their captures online are doing a good thing by making people aware.

I of course run a channel on YouTube, and I can see both sides of the token and respect it but I remain neutral.

A.) What is your personal opinion on dash cam channels on YouTube?
B.) Do you think dash cam channels can be used as a learning tool?
C.) Would you say that dash cam videos have taught you to do anything differently?

Again, there is absolutely no wrong answer. It is cool to see that my other thread has gained so much interest. I figured maybe to float
one more topic out there for everyone to participate in. I'm interested to see what everyone thinks!

Thanks for participating!

- Florida Dashcam
A. I like them for entertainment value.
B. I normally point out in the comment section how many of the accidents could have been avoided by applying the breaks. Also, pointing out what the channel owner did wrong to get the video.
C. Sure, I have learned quite a bit on what to watch out for in areas such as 4 way stops, stop lights and blind alleys.
A) Its a mixed bag, some of them are interesting and useful, some or just shocking, annoying, and showing boring clips of people driving aggressively to get footage, usually resulting in embarrassing themselves and being shamed on the channel

B) Yes! the better channels, (There's usually one decent channel for each main country I follow, UK, US, Aus, Asia, Euro collectively) then about 15 all for Russia, all seem to show good clips with interesting situations I may not always have thought about, making me think about how I would avoid such situations

C) Yes, in short, I drive a hell of a lot better, defensively, and much more calm!
post monotonous videos of people rolling through stop signs, not indicating etc are lame beyond belief

I agree on this, though it is pretty much what i myself post from time to time.
I only keep it up as it make me feel good for a little while ( until the next drive )
But i am glad i dont drive that much and so dont have to post such things that much, and from time to time i can actually take a whole drive and not feel like i have something to share.

Some times you get something big, or out of the ordinary, but having been running with camera in my car since 2011 i have only had 3 of such moments, and i appreciate that as those things no one shouldent really capture on camera ( 1 : little old woman almost getting run over. - 2: idiot i turned in to the cops for passing on bicycle path/sidewalk. - 3: the woman falling off of a 2 floor balcony yesterday. )
I have learned from my own dashcam!

When I first begun with dashcam I did got irritated of people not keeping enough distance.. And that many was cutting in way to closer after an overtake.
Watching my own driving I saw that I sometimes did that myself... Specially when I had someone behind me that was pushing to get ahead.
I now always see to that if I think the one behind me is to closer I wait until they also i is passet the one I overtook before I change lane. Then at least I am not as close to the one we overtook as the tailgater behind me is to me.

I have also gotten comments on my channel from people saying that they are learning from it, and that it made it easier to take the driving license test cause they knew more about how to be able to spot a situation that could happen.
I think it was probably my post you were referring to.

I wouldn't say I learn anything really because most of the examples are so extreme I wouldn't do them anyway. As for those that aren't then not really. At the time of viewing I might very occasionally think must remember not to do that, but have probably forgotten a few hours later about the whole thing. I drive sensibly anyway.

I think the point I was trying to make in my original post is many people think by posting videos they can somehow change the world and shame people into changing their behaviour or act as teachers. The reality is, the chance of the person who made the mistake ever seeing the video is near zero. If they do, there will be one of 2 reactions: Shame (although this probably won't last beyond a few hours / days after which they'll most likely forget about the video and go back to the way they were, or anger, in which case they'll go out and drive even worse just to prove the point that the post isn't going to influence them. As for teaching people, as I said above, it's highly unlikely people will remember anything out of the ordinary, and if it is out of the ordinary, then the chances are they would never have done it anyway.

The way to use these videos, is in my opinion, as they were originally intended, ie as evidence in the event of a crash. Any other use is just a waste of time.
Well.. I have made over 2000$ from youtube and selling clips to news stations and others the last 2 years. So a total wast of time I don’t think it is.

Plus my first intention with my videos was as discussion material on a forum I was active on. Showing situations that people take about.
Then it grew a bit and I had use of learning editing in the software I use in my job. :)
I think the point I was trying to make in my original post is many people think by posting videos they can somehow change the world and shame people into changing their behaviour or act as teachers. The reality is, the chance of the person who made the mistake ever seeing the video is near zero. If they do, there will be one of 2 reactions: Shame (although this probably won't last beyond a few hours / days after which they'll most likely forget about the video and go back to the way they were, or anger, in which case they'll go out and drive even worse just to prove the point that the post isn't going to influence them

I think you're right. But with the popularity of social media and people overwhelming and increasing desire to share literally everything they catch on camera, Things happening "locally" can maybe increasingly be seen "locally", things on facebook for example spread like wildfires, and obviously it's always nice to hear now and again that some scumbag driving like a tool putting lives at risk has been prosecuted because of "viral" videos shared on facebook strengthened by the uproar and outrage of viewers that then demand action to be taken

But going back to what you said, it is still a VERY low percentage. I think the reason people like to post these clips, and make the compilations, is because even though it might not change the world, or even directly shame any particular individual featured in the clips, there are growing numbers of people becoming more and more aware that dashcams are now a "thing", and they're not only risking being seen driving like fools and possible prosecution (ideal world, I know) but it's also encouraging people to invest in cams anyway.

I for one, as mentioned earlier, have definitely learned a lot about my own driving, even if it wasn't so bad to begin with, and one things for certain, I think I'm 100% free of road rage.
Well.. I have made over 2000$ from youtube and selling clips to news stations and others the last 2 years. So a total wast of time I don’t think it is.

If you're only intention is to make money from it, then all I can say is you should get a better hobby to fill your youtube channel from. Dashcams were made to assist with liability in accidents, not so you can earn money by trying to screw your fellow human beings over.

I think you're right. But with the popularity of social media and people overwhelming and increasing desire to share literally everything they catch on camera, Things happening "locally" can maybe increasingly be seen "locally", things on facebook for example spread like wildfires, and obviously it's always nice to hear now and again that some scumbag driving like a tool putting lives at risk has been prosecuted because of "viral" videos shared on facebook strengthened by the uproar and outrage of viewers that then demand action to be taken

TBH, I think the driving has to be severely dangerous to get the police to consider a prosecution. The most notable one I've heard of was someone in I think it was Wales, who was overtaking around blind bends and causing oncoming traffic to drive up the pavement to avoid a collision. On that, I'd say fair enough. As for everyday mistakes, unlikely to be prosecuted and we've all made them. Last thing any country needs are do-gooders and vigil antis who think their job is report video of anyone who ever makes the slightest infraction or mistake.
TBH, I think the driving has to be severely dangerous to get the police to consider a prosecution. The most notable one I've heard of was someone in I think it was Wales, who was overtaking around blind bends and causing oncoming traffic to drive up the pavement to avoid a collision. On that, I'd say fair enough. As for everyday mistakes, unlikely to be prosecuted and we've all made them. Last thing any country needs are do-gooders and vigil antis who think their job is report video of anyone who ever makes the slightest infraction or mistake.

Yeah, there was one not far from me in which a wreckless driver overtook a line of cars, lost it on the bend and binned it, got out, got his very young child out the back and fled on foot! But yeah, the everyday mistake clips/compilations are now just unbelievably boring.... but again, many people could be seeing some of these clips/comps for the very first time tomorrow, and might think twice about making a bad decision..?
Well.. I have made over 2000$ from youtube and selling clips to news stations and others the last 2 years. So a total wast of time I don’t think it is.

If you're only intention is to make money from it, then all I can say is you should get a better hobby to fill your youtube channel from. Dashcams were made to assist with liability in accidents, not so you can earn money by trying to screw your fellow human beings over.

Actually had no intention or idea that you even could make money out of it. So that is just a nice biproduct of it. No one is being screwed over.

The main thing for me I think is the discussion and views on the situations from other drivers. The other thing I appreciate is that it keps my skills with the editing software. I use that for work some times as I said. When those times are to far ahead I always had a hard time relearning stuff. That's not a problem now.

Also intresting to see how some rules I thought was the same in whole Europe are not! I learn a lot from my viewers.