Dashcam for 458, any suggestions?


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Feb 2, 2017
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I'm thinking about putting a dashcam in my 458 and was wondering if any of you have any suggestions. It's not for serious track performance monitoring but more for some fun on a rally or drive and a bit of backup in the case of an accident.

I've got a few I'm looking at but open to other suggestions too:

https://www.blackvue.com/dr650s-2ch/ (US$370)
http://www.thinkware.com/Products/Dashcam/F770 (US$390)
https://streetguardian.info/sg9665gv-v3-128-cpl.html (US$230)
https://www.waylens.com/techspecs (US$500)
http://www.aim-sportline.com/eng/products-car/smartycam-hd-rev2.1/index.htm (US$1000)

I've got the Thinkware F770 in my other car but thinking about other choices. I like the look of the Waylens but it's only available in the US currently (I'm based in NL and it'll be a few months till I'm over there again). Have not seen any posts on Waylens here yet. The Smartycam I think is probably overkill too.

Have any of you hardwired any of these devices to a Ferrari or tried connecting to the ODB II port in one (Waylens has that possibility)?

Any advice, alternatives or suggestions much appreciated.
the smartycam has some interesting features but really more of a track day accessory, not sure it's something you'd want hanging up there all the time, the waylens I don't think hit's the mark, some interesting ideas but I don't think the execution is great
the smartycam has some interesting features but really more of a track day accessory, not sure it's something you'd want hanging up there all the time, the waylens I don't think hit's the mark, some interesting ideas but I don't think the execution is great

Curious as to where Waylens is falling short. I've read about the mount issues, but are there other things that I'm missing?

I've not found any other cameras yet that do a good job of putting the telemetry info on the video... but that may be because I don't know rather than it does not exist.

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there are other cameras that can take a data feed from the OBD port, waylens has expanded on that and their software is perhaps the most interesting aspect for most, the whole design/mount idea is not great but maybe that will improve in their next version, it's an interesting product in its own way but as a dashcam I don't think it hits the mark
I doubt any here have tried to wrench or tinker with a Ferrari, but i have actually driven in one of them once. ( one of the old ones i prefer design wise )
If it is something you plan on using for track days then i would for sure go for something that can record with 60 FPS, but for just driving around nice and easy i would just go for the SG9665GC and be done with it.

But it might be a problem if your model have a large sensor array in front of the rear view mirror, or rather if those things even have such a thing any more as sports cars over time have been notorious for not having much view out back.

There have been little people in here with the waylens, but from what i have seen from it the mount seem less ideal and prone to vibrations, and i would assume a car like yours are not the softest ride out there, and on a personal note what footage i have seen from it was a let down compared to what i was expecting with such fine hardware.

For track days a camera like the Garmin virb 30 ultra might be a idea, if have a host of sensors inside and can be paired with even more Bluetooth things.

there are other cameras that can take a data feed from the OBD port, waylens has expanded on that and their software is perhaps the most interesting aspect for most, the whole design/mount idea is not great but maybe that will improve in their next version, it's an interesting product in its own way but as a dashcam I don't think it hits the mark

Which other cameras use the OBD port?

I too think the Waylens is probably in the dot ooh ohh or is that dot ooh no version with mount stability the biggest issue. I also believe it's got a lithium battery which I think may not be great for harsh conditions in cars. The images I've seen though look great and not too bumpy... but I'm no pro in spotting flaws like most of you!

This was in a 458 using a Waylens:

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You're going to want a CPL filter too judging from the windshield glare in that video.
Yeah that nice black leather and stitching while all very nice and such, having it plastered all over the footage might be a killer in the long run.
The SG 9665GC is the best value and one heck of a dashcam even if it lacks he 'bling' of the Garmin and Waylens- just a solid reliable dashcam performance even in adverse conditions. The BlackVue and Thinkware models you listed are also very good cams. I think I'd wait for the next generation of OBD interfaced cams; they're off to a good start and should be a lot better in the next round compared to now. And with the 458's windshield angle a CPL is a must-have as somehow I can't imagine a dash-mat in a Ferrari.

Or throw a dashmat over that good looking dashbord, but that would be a shame.
I wouldn't buy such a car if i had the money, i would buy something thats 10 - 12 X heavier and have a top speed 1/5 of that Italian.
That way my driving license should last more than a couple of weeks it would last in such a car :D

And i would be pretty sure most people that even if they had the money they would not buy a car like mine, and so i would roam the post apocalyptic roads in my marauder alone, but in safety from any zombies or whatever might lurk out there
While I still appreciate fine machinery, I'm aging and I don't have the reflexes and finesse or fearlessness I used to, so such a car would be wasted on me now :( A series 2 or 3 XJ6 Jag with a small-block Chevy engine is more my style now- comfort first, then good handling, good looks, and good speed in that order :cool:

not great form factor like the smarty but another interesting option

The more I dig into the Garmin Virb Ultra the more I like it... so thanks for the suggestion, definitely on my short list. It might mean that I decide to get a real dashcam (safety/insurance) and an action cam for the more cool stuff.
While I still appreciate fine machinery, I'm aging and I don't have the reflexes and finesse or fearlessness I used to, so such a car would be wasted on me now :( A series 2 or 3 XJ6 Jag with a small-block Chevy engine is more my style now- comfort first, then good handling, good looks, and good speed in that order :cool:

You only live once so enjoy life to the full and you'd be surprised how friendly the 458 can be (a beast too if you want it to be) so I doubt it would be wasted on almost anybody. I had an F-Type Jag (I know not a XJ6) before getting the 458 and I loved the F-Type... but the smile just got bigger in the 458 even when you are just cruising.

As for dashmat... not going to happen but getting a CPL sounds like good advice, just need to figure out where to get them for whichever camera I choose in the end.
I doubt any here have tried to wrench or tinker with a Ferrari, but i have actually driven in one of them once. ( one of the old ones i prefer design wise )
If it is something you plan on using for track days then i would for sure go for something that can record with 60 FPS, but for just driving around nice and easy i would just go for the SG9665GC and be done with it.

But it might be a problem if your model have a large sensor array in front of the rear view mirror, or rather if those things even have such a thing any more as sports cars over time have been notorious for not having much view out back.

There have been little people in here with the waylens, but from what i have seen from it the mount seem less ideal and prone to vibrations, and i would assume a car like yours are not the softest ride out there, and on a personal note what footage i have seen from it was a let down compared to what i was expecting with such fine hardware.

For track days a camera like the Garmin virb 30 ultra might be a idea, if have a host of sensors inside and can be paired with even more Bluetooth things.

Thanks for the Virb suggestion... definitely on my shortlist.
While I still appreciate fine machinery, I'm aging and I don't have the reflexes and finesse or fearlessness I used to,....
I can relate to that. Used to do a bit of racing and what I did back then would kill me, or scare me to death, now. :eek:

Also add to your list the inevitable infirmities of aging and I'm finding that ease of entry and exit is getting higher and higher on my priority list of vehicle features. :(
Yesterday I ordered the Garmin Virb Ultra and an ODB2 reader to entertain my fun aspect of driving. I'll try to take a video and post it.

In the meantime my practical (insurance paranoia side) is waiting to see what the new dual channel Street Guardian is or the new Thinkware F800 is really like once it shows up... no doubt Blackvue will also come up with a new one too and probably others too.

@jokiin if you want an early tester for the new dual channel Street Guardian let me know. I also have a Thinkware F770 in my other car to compare against... so I could test Garmin v Thinkware v Street Guardian.

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I have the Waylens in my WRX. I love it, especially compared to the Mini 0806 I had before. It was really cool being able to get all the gauges at my first autocross.

The mount is garbage. Not only is it wobbly but it is also a major pain in the ass to connect the camera to it, so every time the camera goes out and back into the car it's an ordeal adjusting the angle and making sure it's as tight as it can be to be as non-wobbly as possible. I might rip off the suction cup and use sticky tape instead.

Video is generally pretty good but it really seems to have a hard time when the road is lined with a lot of leafless trees and it's overcast. All the video, road, etc. end up being pixelated.

0-60 times are cool and now supposedly lap tracking (though I can't get my firmware to update), so I'm hoping software updates keep making it better.

You can read my initial review here: https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/waylens.20563/#post-310824