Dashcam that can connect to home Wifi?


New Member
May 11, 2018
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United States
I have a DDPai2 plugged into an always-on USB port in my car. I'm happy with it but am annoyed having to remember to pull the microSD card out every day or so to bring into my house in order to download and archive my video files.

I would much prefer a camera that could connect to my home Wifi so I could automatically rsync the files to an archive folder on one of my NAS drives either on a set schedule or whenever it connects.

Are there any dash cams like that, or does anyone have any ideas to automate the retrieving of video files from the dashcam's storage?

It would also be nice if I could connect to it via wifi from a distance greater than the limited range of the DDPai (seems like only about 15 or so feet) so that I could view live video from my car in my living room where I would be about 80 to 100 feet from the car.
Won't get the range you want, someone wrote a script for Blackvue cameras to access from the home network to pull files off
The Ddpai mini2 is a Wi-Fi camera and downloads onto your smartphone via the app , then you can smartphone to smart TV.

Launch the app on smartphone and then connect the camera to the app , no need to remove the sd card .
Thanks for all the replies.

The power to the DDPai's wifi chip is obviously the limiting factor. I don't expect to find a solution for the DDPai. I was merely mentioning that I am happy with the other features (and form factor) as I would like to find a similar product that provides more power to the wifi radio.

My motorola smartphone remains connected to my home WiFi while inside my car until I drive about 20 or 30 feet away from where I park it. It's not the car that is the limiting factor.

I can write the scripts to do the automation. I'm a web developer and a network engineer. I build and deploy racked servers for large commercial websites. I just need to find a device that has better range, or that maybe is specifically designed to do what I want. I will look at the blackvue, because if someone went to the trouble to do what sounds like what I'm trying to do, it must mean it has better wifi range than the DDPai.

As an example of what I want to do -- I have a Western Digital Mypassport Wireless 1TB drive in my center console. When it detects my home wifi, it connects to it and rsyncs with the Music folder on my home NAS. When it disconnects from the home wifi it goes into ad hoc mode and my car connects to it so I can then play that music through the stock stereo system. I'd like to do something like that. Of course, I can SSH into the Mypassport and change settings in the configuration files in /etc so it was a lot easier to hack/modify.
the Blackvue 'might' have better wifi range, none of them are great though as they're really only intended to be used while you're very close to the camera, it also means having to leave the camera running while you extract all the files which can be quite a few hours at a time
I leave the DDPai powered 24/7 right now, as it is. That's not a problem at all. I'm not too concerned with the battery running down as I already have a ******* wifi battery monitor that monitors my car's battery level and an IFTTT trigger that would start my car remotely if the battery ever ran down below 10 volts. I think I'd have to go on vacation and leave it sitting for more than 2 weeks before that could even occur.
I'm not going to go dig inside the coding, but the trigger is based on whatever the ******* considers to be a low battery that needs to be charged. I guess I should have said "when the ******* sends an alert."
Find out that threshold , even 11.6 V is too low .

My Blackvue DR650GW has some decent range. There has been many times my phone would connect to my Blackvue at more than 60 feet instead of the home wifi being only 20 feet away. Even though it can connect at that distance, I had to be within 25 feet for the signal to be strong enough to transfer files. Now I park it about 200 feet away from the house, no more problems with the phone trying to connect to it. Good luck trying to use them for remote recorded surveillance.
I am in the same boat. I have a problem with some unsavory neigbors possibly selling drugs in the apartment across from me. I want to record and/or stream to my wifi network from my car that is maybe 50' from my apartment. I want to see who is coming and going into the breezeway to my apartment.

What I am looking for:
1) cheap. I do not want to risk losing a big investment to theft. I lost my gps that way while parked here (my car doors do not lock).
2) stealthy/inconspicuous. Same reason.
3) able to monitor recorded media on Windows or Ipad. I do not own a smartphone.

Presently I am trying to figure out if the Blueskysea B1W dashcam can be used, or perhaps a wifi nanny spycam installed in my car if the signal can reach, perhaps using a mounted external antenna (I am a ham radio guy).

Any thoughts?

Some of the outdoor wifi security cams may work, but they're not really small, or discrete. You may be able to disguise them a bit, but I'd fix the locks on my car anyway. :)
The few I installed used a 12v wall wart for power, anyway. Would be easy to cobble up the correct 12v coaxial power supply.
D-Link makes cameras that connect to wifi. They are powered by a Micro USB plug so you can wire it to your car or a battery pack easily. They also have a micro SD card slot. You can record a stream from them using iSpy Recorder but the files on the microSD card are higher quality