Does this sound like a MicroSD issue?


New Member
Apr 22, 2014
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Can anyone tell me what the symptoms of an unsuitable MicroSD card might be? I recently purchased a G1W and inserted a 16GB MicroSD card that I had lying around the house. Can't see a brand or a Class number on it.

Everything was fine for the first day, but now my recordings freeze after a minute of 2 of recording. The audio keeps going but the picture just freezes and the whole unit then locks up, none of the buttons work, and I can't turn it off. I have to use the little reset button.

This also happens if there's no card in the unit.

Do you think this sounds like an unsuitable card could be the culprit? I'm happy to buy a card if it's going to make the unit usable, but if this sounds like something more serious, I'd rather not spend the money
Based on many other similar posts, it could be the card. I assume you formatted it in the camera, yes? Consider purchasing a new name-brand card with the appropriate capacity and speed rather than using a no-name card you "had lying around the house".
Yes - card has been formatted in the camera. I'm happy to buy a new card but my concern is that it does this even when there's no card in the camera and it's not recording.
Unfortunately, a number of people have been reporting this problem so it could be a flaw in the camera. The camera is being produced by a number of factories and the build quality seems a little questionable recently from what people are reporting.
I dunno, sometimes spending a little more money in the first place is the cheapest thing to do in the long run. I spent around 100 USD on my GT300W which is built with similar components and a better lens and it has been a rock solid workhorse.

How long have you had your camera? Maybe the seller will help resolve the issue or replace the unit?
I've only had it about a week. And I contacted estore009 (who have been excellent!!) who suggested upgrading the firmware. I followed the instructions to do so, but the upgrade doesn't seem to have happened (I assume there should be a message on the unit when this is happening?), but that could be, once again, related to a dodgy MicroSD.

So - a new Kingston 32GB Class 10 MicroSD has been ordered and I'll see what happens. Hopefully this will solve everything. If not, estore009 have welcomed a return.
I've only had it about a week. And I contacted estore009 (who have been excellent!!) who suggested upgrading the firmware. I followed the instructions to do so, but the upgrade doesn't seem to have happened (I assume there should be a message on the unit when this is happening?), but that could be, once again, related to a dodgy MicroSD.

So - a new Kingston 32GB Class 10 MicroSD has been ordered and I'll see what happens. Hopefully this will solve everything. If not, estore009 have welcomed a return.

Great! BTW, there should be a menu option to view the current firmware that's on the camera. See if you perhaps did indeed manage the update, even with the funky card.
Alas, I can't figure out if the firmware has updated or not. The camera lists the version as 20130922.V0.01.MM3 while the file I've been told to use to update is titled 320mahg1w.bin (which, according to estore009, is the software for 320mah battery G1W.please check!)

I get the new card tomorrow so I might just update again anyway.
Also just picked up a kingston 32 class 10, just waiting til tomorrow when I can get some driving done seeing as my unit doesn't seem to hold a charge, maybe 1-2 minutes of not being plugged in.
Got my brand new Kingston 32GB Class10 MicroSD card today and unfortunately it hasn't solved the problems. So, back to estore009 the camera goes. Bummer I have to pay postage which isn't cheap from Australia. :(
wait until they find out it has a battery inside ;)

Ohh - you're right! No chance of sending it back to China because of that battery. Not allowed by Australia Post. :( ( I can't quite work out why it's OK to fly them IN, though!)

So.... I've appealed to the good people at estore009 to send me a replacement without the need to return the original. I've also sent them a video showing the fault happening so they know the issue is genuine. Hopefully they'll be fair under the circumstances.