DR650 Date woes


New Member
Mar 19, 2015
Reaction score
South Africa
Hi Guys... I've been lurking on the site and finally decided to get a DR650 2ch system, but I am having an issue with it losing/changing the date and time. When I format the SD card in the camera, the date is fine but when the car has been switched off for a while (+/- 8hrs) the date is all wrong again. It changes the year, month, day and time. It doesn't help to do a time sync either. I live in South Africa and the time zone is set to Africa/Johannesburg.
Is there any way to fix this, or is the unit faulty?
Sounds like the unit is faulty. Chances are there is a small battery in the unit that will be used exclusively for keeping the time when the power is off. It could be a bad battery or a genuine fault with the IC for the time keeping. I would contact the seller and ask for a replacement.
I'm not sure, but maybe you should plug your SDcard into your PC and use the PC software to set the timezone. Once you do that, you have a config file on the SDcard which is what the camera will fall back to when it wants to know what timezone to use.
I actually never formatted the card in the camera. Always do it on PC and make sure that the settings file is still there.
perhaps the problem with the battery, check

Hi Guys... just an update... I tried formatting it in my PC and did the date file thing, but it still did the same. I contacted the supplier I bought it from and he has sent to Back to Blackvue to be repaired... It's been 2 weeks but I am waiting patiently...