DR750S-2CH freezing after 2 impacts when leaving parking mode


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2014
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Dash Cam
Blackvue DR750S-2CH, DR750X-2CH, A129-DUO, many others...
Hi all,

I've got something strange with my DR750S.
Parking mode sensor sensitivity is set to 9-10-9, driving sensor is set to 0-1-1

When jumping into my car, an impact is detected, then I begin to drive (still in parking mode) and a second impact occurs, near the end of the first file (1min long), which is creating a second EVT file.
This second file can't be read, it is corrupted.
As I have the auto-upload feature on Cloud, I can see that this file is about 10s long and can be read.

After this, dashcam is frozen and blue LED is ON. I receive "disconnect" notification from the Cloud and I can't see the dashcam's Wifi in the Wifi list on my smartphone.
I unplug the dashcam and this blue LED is fading slowly to OFF.
When I plus again, the dashcam works again.

LED configuration is always OFF, so the blue LED should never be ON.

I have this issue once a week, sometimes more.
I previously thought it was a loss of current when cranking but today I had this issue after driving 200m, so it has no link with this.

I have used 2 different Samsung 128GB MicroSD cards and have same issue.
Also same issue with Blackvue 16GB SDcard (updated on 2018-22-04)

What is strange is that I have never had a freeze during parking mode with motion detection or during normal driving.
So, I think it can't be a SD Card issue.

Here are the 2 streaming files of 2 impacts. (I don't have original files, SD card has been formatted)
You can't hear the beep of the first impact becase it is before the first streaming file, but you can hear the 2nd beep at the time 11:39:33

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Yes, a 16GB card.
Do you think it could me a SD card issue ?
As I only have this issue in this particular situation, I don't think the card would be involved.
try with their card, the Blackvue cameras are very fussy about what cards they support, trying the included card will help you to determine if that is related or not
I'll try this, but 16GB is f#cking small !
I used an EVO Plus for a while, and eventually gave up. It was corrupting files. But in my case the camera announced that it had seen an error ("Check SD Card"). I wonder if the cloud upload functionality is masking that for you. I'd at least try the stock BV card to eliminate that as a suspect.
What kind of card are you using now ?
What kind of card are you using now ?
Luckily my camera came with a 64Gig BV card, so I'm using that. I want a 128Gig, and eventually I'll buy the BV version of that, because I can't find an MLC-compliant card in 128Gig from anybody. The other manufacturers seem to max out at 64Gig.
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There's a great discussion, with technical links, somewhere in these forums that talks about MLC cards. The gist of the discussion is that non-MLC cards, no matter how "premium" they may claim to be, will eventually have problems. Higher-quality cards will last longer between errors, and even MLC cards will die eventually. That's the nature of flash memory.

Investigate the price of a proper BlackVue card where you are. It'll be more expensive, but would have a warranty not voided by dashcam use (some others will be), and decide where that price sits in your tolerance level compared to replacing other brands more often.

The good news is that if you buy an off-brand card and you get errors (like with the Sandisk), you may be able to use it in a tablet/phone/whatever to ease the pain. :-)
Don't go by the brand of SDcards.

Go with the specs and categories, this is what determines what kind of speed (I/O) that card can produce and cope.

I'm currently and have been for a year running the Samsung EVO+ 128GB U3 without any problems.
My cams are running 24/7/365 and at no time has it failed me.

I'm doing a manual format every 1st in the month to ensure that i can read the files correctly.
And of course, before formatting, testing a random file in the last 24hrs, both front and rear-view.
Something else to try:
Try to decrease from: Parking mode sensor sensitivity is set to 9-10-9 to: 9-9-9
From what I can see on blackvue windows viewer the sensitivity of 10 seems very very restrictive comparing with the acceleration graphs .... Maybe the camera receives to many triggers for events and ... it goes nuts ... It's just an idea.
This axle is really less sensitive as others that's why I set to 10.
Anyway I don't think that it's the origin of the problem. Because blackvue turning into driving mode by receiving many impacts.
The price has reduced to EUR 59, I've placed an order for a genuine 128GB Blackvue SD Card.
There days I've tested again Samsung 128GB cards and 16GB Blackvue card, problem appears only with samsung cards.

I don't want to try Transcend 400X, it is the same price as Blackvue card.
The link you posted above is to a Sandisk card. Not a Blackvue card.
Hmmmm. Maybe. I just looked and I'm pretty sure my BV 64Gig came with a Kingston adapter, so that could be a valid pic. But the ad for the 128GB is highly suspect.
EDR-AUTO is the official Blackvue reseller in France.
But you are right, the 128GB product page is suspect.
I've contacted the seller, will have a reply on Monday.