DR900S-2CH Firmware Multilanguage - latest Firmware update v1.003_2018 Latest drop


New Member
Jul 21, 2018
Reaction score
United States
Has anyone updated their DR900S-2CH to the latest 1.003_2018? I just did and my video is now UPSIDE DOWN????
Appreciate any help
On my 750 there are options to flip the video vertically and horizontally. I have my rear camera mounted upside down and flipped the video to suit the mounting. There is probably the same on the 900?
Do you mean is implemented or could be implemented?
Do you mean is implemented or could be implemented?
as I said 'it can be automated' no idea if they have, but if there is no menu setting for it then it is something to check, it could just be that they messed up and forgot about people that mount their cameras the other way, you would hope not though
I just updated my DR900 today and did not have any issues at all.