DR900XPlus Wifi Hotspot Issue


New Member
Apr 23, 2022
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New York
United States
Good day folks, As suggested by another member here. I'm starting my own post here for this issue that I've recently come across ..so I've had my cam install hardwire to my car for a few months. No issues till just recently. If I'm in the car I can do one or two things. I can connect it to Wi-Fi (car ) and see the dash cam live view while I'm driving or if I don't connect to wifi I can turn on my Verizon hotspot device and see the cam connected to see live view and cloud ..now when I park and I'm away from the car previously the cam would stay connected to that Verizon hotspot and I can view live footage of my car or any events.. I also set up hotspot number 2 with my home Wi-Fi so when I'm home and parked in front of my house it will be connected to my home hotspot.. the signal is excellent since the car is right close to the connection and my cam would stay connected and give me a live view while parked outside of my house or if any events.. I don't know what happened recently. I did update to the latest firmware but now if the car is on and I have the hotspot on whether it be mobile or in front of the house. I could see the cam connected to it but once I shut the car off and leave the car. That connection drops after a couple of minutes and I'm no longer able to see any live events.. Hope I explained it as well as possible..

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I spoke to blackview customer service yesterday and got some helpful information so it seems like there are issues with BMW with certain cars configurations and the power management so previously I had ordered my car and the options that I guess I added to it contribute to the issue I'm having with the camera setup which is hardwired right now to my battery.. The power management with the car this was causing the issue with the disconnect .. he suggested going the route of connecting the camera to an external battery like the b124x..
Sounds about right. BMWs are quite "smart" and tracks down the power leakage and shuts it off, so external battery is definitely way to go.
Some vehicle models have computerized systems searching for power drainage and will shut them off. Either you find a bypass or use an external battery pack. Also, when in Parking Mode the dash cam typically goes into Sleep mode about 5 minutes when you leave until the dash cam sensor is triggered by motion then returns to awake mode and starts recording, which depends upon your Parking Mode settings. Hotspot or your Wi-Fi signal strength can vary by Service Provider and location, the signal can be affected by weather or large buildings/homes and steel structures, plus mountainous / hilly terrains. Overhead aircraft can but rarely cause some interference. BlackVue DR900X Plus is one of the better dashcam on the market. I believe you have the "Cloud" feature but be cautious using it because Law Enforcement can utilize it to their benefit. Anything on the WWW/ Internet is not completely Private or Confidential meaning that you don't have high end Security encryption with Dash cams like you would with a Bank or Government Office website.
Anything on the WWW/ Internet is not completely Private or Confidential meaning that you don't have high end Security encryption with Dash cams like you would with a Bank or Government Office website.
All cloud services that aren't end-to-endy encrypted, including Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, explicitly state in their terms of service that they have access to everything and can do what they desire with your stuff. I've directly seen and heard about Google locking down people's (including academics 'and researchers') Google Drives and Google Photos. Only truly encrypted services linke Sync provide true security.

So, assume BlackVue and law enforcment have access to everything you send to and store on the BlackVue cloud (and the same for Thinkware's cloud).
I spoke to blackview customer service yesterday and got some helpful information so it seems like there are issues with BMW with certain cars configurations and the power management so previously I had ordered my car and the options that I guess I added to it contribute to the issue I'm having with the camera setup which is hardwired right now to my battery.. The power management with the car this was causing the issue with the disconnect .. he suggested going the route of connecting the camera to an external battery like the b124x..
Yes, I've found that BMW electrics are quite special in some ways. I had initial issues with mine when installing Power Magic Pro but trial and error with the connections seems to have sorted things. Whether luck or otherwise PMP works in my BMW.