DVR 207 - A couple of Newbie queries.


New Member
Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi Everyone,

I recently bought my partner the 207 model (I decided on the GT300W for myself) and have a couple of queries;

1) I have read a lot about the radio and GPS interference problems. However we have ours in the car with no radio on (distracts the Mrs) and no GPS. When we play the files back on the PC there is a loud interference buzz. Is this what people mean when they talk about the interference? It's just I only ever seem to read about it in conjunction with FM/GPS. The interference ours has prevents any talking easily being deciphered. It only got shipped the 8th June so was hoping the problem would have been solved by this shipping. Anybody have any recommendations? I can post a video if this will help.

2) I bought a class 10 micro SD card in preparation. Only to realise the camera doesn't use micro SD! As such, I have the micro SD plugged in to an adapter and then in the camera. However, I am unsure if this will affect the process speed of the recordings due to it not being a 'pure' SD card size. Any thoughts?

I have to say, the clarity isn't as great as I expected and you have to be very close to the vehicle in front to read the registration. Sometimes my footage does look quite grainy. I then have to remember it was only 52 bucks though. It will be good to compare to the GT300W when it arrives.

Thanks a lot guys.
I have an 027 and a GT300W. 207 is successor to 027. I don't have any buzzing issues. The micro SD in an adapter should not be an issue.
You will find a huge difference in quality (especially evening and night time) once you get the GT300W, but it is as you know 2x the price.