Editing software question


New Member
Dec 6, 2015
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I just installed this cam yesterday and i am currently testing how to go about editing the video.

I've tried a few editing software but it all seems very laborious.

I'm looking for a simple program that can combine the selected video segments in to one file with the rear camera as a pip (picture in picture) and also dealing with the 5 second overlap.

So, I'm asking you guys... is there such a program? or are you doing this manually in a video editor?
you can find "power director" on the little ship..

It is laborious..

That's why we don't bother:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I use Adobe Premiere to get Picture in Picture

Tutorial video
Thanks for the response guys.

I'm new to this and i'm just really surprised that these types of products don't already supply software to do this.

I started testing to see how to go about assembling a video and one annoying thing i discovered with the 'Event' files is they have a 3-5 second overlap.
The fact that the overlap time is not consistent makes it difficult to use a batch routine with ffmpeg.

I'm considering turning off the event files (if that's even possible?). I did read else where on this forum that the event files are not the first to be deleted when recycling storage space but with a 64GB SD i would expect to have plenty of time to process the video on the day an incident took place.
I'm considering turning off the event files (if that's even possible?)

The only thing you can do is turn the sensitivity all the way down on the options (when in normal mode). That what I have done anyway. Shame you cant disable the event feature as the overlap is annoying.