English Only?

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Jun 9, 2022
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Was there ever an “English only policy” on DCT?
Was that recently removed?
I’m seeing more posts in various languages lately.
I guess that’s a good thing the community is growing.
Is it too late, or unjust to add that requirement?
I think many these days expect everyone to be on a auto translating devise, so no matter what they post any recipient will get a translation to this preferred language.
Or maybe people are just lazy and expect others to do their own translating first and then spend time helping them.

There is nothing i can do in those cases, even with the languages my brain for some reason picked up a little on, CUZ it is often very little / not enough for keeping a conversation going.
Also its one thing to have picked up some words sentences here and there, another matter is reading / writing them.
There was never an English only policy on the site. Since there are only a few non-english messages and many browsers auto-translate, I think it is ok to allow those posts.
I think many these days expect everyone to be on a auto translating devise, so no matter what they post any recipient will get a translation to this preferred language.
It is quite hard to tell who is using autotranslate these days, often it is the posts with the best English that are the autotranslated ones!

Was there ever an “English only policy” on DCT?
Was that recently removed?
  1. The people who post in non-English are not going to read the rules first!
  2. The English only policy is enforced by the members, doesn't matter if it is in the official rules or not, and it is often enforced by non-English speakers who use Google Translate to make their own posts, since they have more problems with non-English posts than the English speakers do.
  3. If people post in non-English then very few people will read their posts, so posting is normally pointless. Most people work that out pretty fast and start translating their posts before posting.
  4. If two people who can speak the same non-English language make a few posts in that language, it doesn't cause any issues other than that they should expect other people to not join in the conversation.

I’m seeing more posts in various languages lately.
There have always been occasional posts, I think it is just a random coincidence that you have seen a few more than normal recently.

Is it too late, or unjust to add that requirement?
It is unnecessary, there is only one global language, everyone knows which language to use if they want everyone to understand.
I think everyone should have a right to speak their native language, but they don't have a right that everyone understand it!
The only rule that is maybe sensible is that long conversations in non-English should be moved to PMs, since many people don't like receiving notifications of posts, making the effort to view them, and then finding they can't read them.
there is only one global language
The French would disagree, strongly.

While i " master " a few languages, i will say i prefer if we meet on neutral ground with the English language.

For instance in the 90ties when i fished a lot, i also ran into a lot of German anglers, them wanting me to tell how come i get fish and they dont.
And i just HATE speaking German with Germans, for one reason, my brain outpace my actual language skill and unlike English i am not really able to think in German, a thing that dont really happen for me with the English language CUZ i often think in English to give my brain a pause from the insanity that is Danish / Denmark.

Also many Germans coming here, they are quite used to Danes speaking German, and it is also taught in school, but really it is mainly along the west coast of Jutland you have a 100 % success with German, the rest of the country getting Danes to speak German are much harder.
Another thing i have noticed, when i was in school about 90 % of all girls in any class would take French language in the 10 grade, but today most girls are clueless to French, i know cuz for instance every year during the Tour de France, like my baker will put up french flags.
So i go " tres bien " and talk French to the girls, and they just do not get it.
So most often i have to translate for the Belle filles working there, and they get a little color in the cheeks, CUZ if its one thing i know in many languages it is how to compliment a pretty girl.

One big problem with that today.
It seem complimenting a girl today is the same as wanting to get into her knickers, but that is not a place i would go, and for sure not with a girl 30 - 40 years younger than me, that would be nasty, and probably also dangerous for my old " ticker "
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The French would disagree, strongly.
Doesn't matter, I haven't met a french person for ages, and there are not many on the forum, they have their own forum!

Today I met someone from Transylvania, he was fishing, well he had two lines going into the sea, no fish, he spoke good English, also met a couple of Kurdish, they also spoke good English, but the accent was a little difficult to cope with, also a Malaysian, she spoke good English too. Then I met someone from England, the Liverpool accent can be hard to understand. Hardly heard anyone speaking the local language!

Last time I had a problem with French, they were Canadians that could only speak French, and before that it was Swiss that could only speak French, most of the French from France do seem to be able to speak English these days, just that some of them choose not to.
Well i agree,,, screw the French.

Just kidding. :)
Their food though, lets just say the week we was in France in the mid 80ties,,,,,, thank god for Mc Donalds or i would have dropped from 55 kilos back to 50.

I cant say myself, but my mother in her job caring for the elderly she had a elderly guy ( Turkish ) that i assume have been here since the early 70ties, he did not speak a word of Danish.
And his family, well laughing hard when the old guy groped care takers, also not picked up on the current Danish culture, but might have done well with our marauding bloodthirsty forefathers.

Law makers here just agreed to import tonnes of Philippine and Indian people, to primarily work in social services like care taking for the elderly.
CUZ people here, well they are leaving those jobs, even if public jobs are still very much wanted, but just not those kind of jobs.
SO ! glad i do not have children.
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Law makers here just agreed to import tonnes of Philippine and Indian people,
Danish will soon be a minority language in Denmark, you get a lot of Philippines and Indian people per tonne, and they all speak English, not Danish!
Well apparently the twist this time is, they have to be educated and learn to speak Danish before they come here.
TBH i have little faith in this exercise.

I just lerned 33% of all shoplifting here is dont by foringers, on top of the chart Romanians, followed by Poles and Lithuanians, and sadly out of nowhere Ukrainians.
Shoplifting here is to the tune of 2 billion Dkkr / year

On the good side, a kid ( 18 YO ) so fairly new driving licence, got caught doing 117kmh in a 50 zone, BMW car now confiscated and a possible jail sentence is looming + of curse the fine too CUZ you learn from loosing money.
Also good side UK citizen stealing +300 million from the Danish tax coffers just got 6 year jail sentence and get 130 mill or so taken, next up the other UK guy that stole over 9 billion, i hope that guy die in jail but he will probably just get 8 years, which to me will be a absolute insult.
Indeed Latin is now a dying / dead language.
I assume it stand as a fair warning to all English speakers, the bigger you are the harder you fall eventually.
Also even if you are a huge country like Denmark, people tend to ignore that, right until they need to start swimming CUZ all the ice on our big island up north have melted.
I assume it stand as a fair warning to all English speakers, the bigger you are the harder you fall eventually.
I don't think Latin was ever big enough, it was limited to Europe, largely the old Roman Empire, but even then many of the people who could read and write Latin couldn't actually speak it, so as a spoken language it was limited to only eastern Europe.

If you wanted to trade internationally in the middle ages, you were better off with Arabic.

English didn't exist before the Middle Ages and it wasn't until the end of the middle ages that it had properly developed. It is now the only global language, other than having recently been banned in Russia, so not easy to replace.
Today I met someone from Transylvania,
Your expression sounds pretty weird, since Transylvania it's not a country.
other than having recently been banned in Russia, so not easy to replace.
Also this is kind of disinformation, well some information out of context or just a part of an information.
The language has not been banned in Russia.
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Latin persists in medicine, the international names of animals and plants and as the bases of many words in the languages of Europe. It evolved into the Romance languages. You can find distinct traces of Latin in English :-),
Your expression sounds pretty weird, since Transylvania it's not a country.
I am aware that Transylvania is a region rather than a country, but he chose to tell me that he was from Transylvania and never mentioned Romania, and I do not know the politics of the area. He was talking about fishing, so referring to the region was probably appropriate, the fishing on the Black Sea coast is going to be very different to the Transylvanian mountains.

Also this is kind of disinformation, well some information out of context or just a part of an information.
The language has not been banned in Russia.
I believe it has been banned from state schools?
And English words have been banned from use by government officials, although I doubt they are doing very well since there are a lot of English words in everyday use there!
