estore009 - any good?


New Member
Feb 20, 2013
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This Ebay seller uses a screenshot from in his auctions and says his items are genuine. His ebay name is on the page for the DOD F500LHD as a 'trusted seller', but I just want to be sure he is legitimate and that I'm safe buying his item ... 1e6cb25d39 . It says its a genuine '3rd version' of the F500, but he describes his as an F500L HD rather than F500LHD (note the spacing!).

I want a camera that I can use to record my journey over the French, Swiss, and Italian Alps this summer. I'm alone in the car so I can't use a hand-held camera, but I'm looking to record the best possible video of the journey. Price isn't too much of an issue as this is a one-off trip and I want a good record of it more than saving a few quid, but the cost of the BlackVue units is a bit TOO much. Am I buying the right camera, and from the right seller?

I'm in the UK, by the way!
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Hi travellers,

estore009 is a legitimate dash cam seller. They are popular with Russians who know a lot about dash cams. The F500LHD sometimes is just called the F500L or F500L-HD or F500L HD. The product estore009 sells is legitimate.

Overall, eBay has buyer protection and estore009 has a good reputation. The F500LHD is a decent camera if you don't mind the form factor and can live with average night video quality. For better night quality, you probably would want to step up to a Korean camera.
DashCamMan said:
For better night quality, you probably would want to step up to a Korean camera.

I think we'll see a shift in the market for the better this year as updated solutions become available
I am not impressed by the Ambarella A5 night quality produced for example by the Eeyelog HDW001.
And was almost interesting if promised also a version with Wi-Fi for about $130.

Mtz said:
I am not impressed by the Ambarella A5 night quality produced for example by the Eeyelog HDW001.
And was almost interesting if promised also a version with Wi-Fi for about $130.


that product still has software issues and has some way to go

A5 combined with WDR is delivering promising results for night use
DashCamMan said:
Hi travellers,

estore009 is a legitimate dash cam seller. They are popular with Russians who know a lot about dash cams. The F500LHD sometimes is just called the F500L or F500L-HD or F500L HD. The product estore009 sells is legitimate.

Overall, eBay has buyer protection and estore009 has a good reputation. The F500LHD is a decent camera if you don't mind the form factor and can live with average night video quality. For better night quality, you probably would want to step up to a Korean camera.

Actually, I hate the form factor - its much bigger and more 'obtrusive' than I was hoping for, and I was really after something a lot more inconspicuous. But unfortunately I can't find anything smaller that this site reckons is actually worth having and has a price under about £80!
Hi travellers,

Unfortunately small, reliable and good video quality are usually expensive. There are some newer cameras that might be an option but reliability is unknown.

An interesting camera that Mtz found is the Livue LB100. It is a Korean 720p camera selling for $100. A bit of a gamble compared to the F500LHD but it is a smaller camera with more features.
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DashCamMan said:
Hi travellers,

Unfortunately small, reliable and good video quality are usually expensive. There are some newer cameras that might be an option but reliability is unknown.

An interesting camera that Mtz found is the Livue LB100. It is a Korean 720p camera selling for $100. A bit of a gamble compared to the F500LHD but it is a smaller camera with more features.

Yes, that does look interesting. Its lower res than the F500, and its an unknown quantity, but its HALF the price here ... 27cf7e6f0b and its a smaller physical size. There's a couple of questions it doesn't answer though - how it is charged (no info on that at all in the auction!), whether it can charge and record simultaneously, etc. It also says "ENGLISH FIRMWARE / MANUAL / SOFTWARE are available". Have to say I'm more keen on this than the F500?
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And here is if you want to buy also the GPS module.
I hope to receive one without GPS in two weeks.

I just received the F500LHD from estore009 a few days ago. I'm in the US (Los Angeles). It actually arrived a few days earlier than the delivery window. It was exactly as described, with the correct firmware and accessories. Nice long cord for wiring options. So far it works as advertised. Form factor is not the greatest, but it's a good "starter" cam so far. I might get something more sophisticated and smaller for my wife's car. ... OU:US:3160
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