Event clips and normal clips not combined when viewing


New Member
May 16, 2014
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Hello everyone,

I have a slight problem viewing clips on Registrator Viewer. Since a couple of days ago, the viewer does not combine the clips in VIDEO folder and Event folder, so the clips aren't continuous with minutes of footage missing. To view those missing minutes, I need to open EVENT folder and click a file there to open and refresh the list (and there the footages from clips in VIDEO folder are missing too). I don't know why this is happening - the viewer was working fine before this started happening. Both the SD card and viewer work fine on another pc I have, and I did try to copy the viewer .exe file from the pc that works on to the current pc, but still got the same results. Basically, the clips in VIDEO and EVENT folders aren't integrated.
Could anyone help with correcting this minor issue? Thanks in advance.
It's v5.8.0.2, but things work on another PC and also fine on the PC in question until a few days ago.
Yeah, just downloaded the new version (5.9) and still the same.