

Apr 4, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom

Fitted my SG9665GC today and went for a quick drive.

I've got the CPL filter attached.

It was a bit cloudy, but even so, the video seems a bit darker/duller than I would expect.

I haven't tried it without the filter, and I appreciate the filter will darken the image a bit, but is this correct?

I haven't altered any of the exposure settings. Is it recommended that I do so, and if so, which settings and what values?


Thanks. I'm not exactly sure what WDR does. I think I'll just have to experiment, but was wondering if there was an "all round" recommended value?

Any idea when the firmware will be released?
new firmware should release by the end of this month, beta version available before that

the default values are generally fine
That sounds good, will wait to try that.

Thank you
Can I clarify - you are using the CPL filter on the rear window (with privacy glass) and no exposure compensation? That video is really impressive.
Can I clarify - you are using the CPL filter on the rear window (with privacy glass) and no exposure compensation? That video is really impressive.
Yes, I am using the CPL in the rear with privacy glass. I believe that particular clip was done with EC set to +2/3 but only because, from on intellectual view, I felt it needed something. My current setup, with the CPL specifically designed for the GC which is not as dark as the DIY in that video, is +1/3 and I'm not totally convinced that's necessary.

When the next F/W release comes out I'm going to try first with EC set to zero, I've never done that with the rear camera yet.