external monitor for a139 3ch interior cam?


New Member
Feb 20, 2023
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United States
I’m a rideshare driver who has settled on the A139 Pro 3-channel as my system of choice. I want to be able to monitor the backseat, and noticed that the main unit in this system has an AV-out.

Does anyone know if this would support outputting the feed from the interior camera? I want to place a small 12v-monitor next to the steering wheel so I can make sure nothing unsafe or illegal is going on in backseat when I’m driving passengers.
Welcome to the forum.

The AV out are just a standard AV signal so you can connect that to a cheap LCD screen or AV in on your car radio if it have that option.
As i recall the AV out will mirror what ever preview you have going on the cameras screen, or in this case of a screen less camera, what screen you have selected as preview in the APP.
Be mindful most dashcams tend to revert to a default setting for the preview, so you probably have to set that after each time you have turned off the car.

I cant recall if there are a button on the A139 that let you toggle preview screen that way, cut since it is a no screen camera i think not ?

You can also just use the wifi and then the APP on a old phone or tablet, that way you do not have to wire anything.

PS. some places having a screen displaying video, i would assume even if its just video of the back seat might be illegal, here in Denmark a NAV unit ASO screen are fine, but any video or TV screen can not be seen by the driver are a problem.
There are no such laws restricting in-vehicle monitoring in Illinois that I’m aware of. I would probably hide the monitor from the driver in any case, though, via a hood or maybe an angle diffuser so only I could look at the screen.

Sucks to hear that the output would have to be re-selected every time but it sounds like this is not for sure; once I get setup I’ll update the thread.

The goal is to simply reproduce the view I get when looking at passengers through the rear-view mirror. The nature of people is a bit different in Chicago vs. Denmark (a bit more violent and homicidal), and many of us rideshare drivers already carry a concealed firearm when driving. Monitoring activity the backseat is another tool I can use to increase my level of safety. I appreciate your reply!
Yes it seem to be the norm cameras do that, so far i have just tested 1 camera that do remember the preview selection, and thats the vantrue E2 i am currently testing.

If you go the wifi preview route with a cheap / old tablet or phone, well then you are also going to connect to the wifi every time the car / camera have been stopped, most cameras can not turn on the wifi automatic upon booting ( in the old days wifi on would also mean a drop in bitrate, but we are past that now )
Having the wifi chip going too, of course generate more heat too, but i have used this to test cameras for many years to generate extra amounts of heat, and i have yet to see a camera turn off all of a sudden.

Funny enough the Vantrue E2, it will also launch wifi on boot if you ask it to, you of course still have to get the app going on a devise and connect, not sure if there are a more easy way to do this, as a avid phone hater i do not know of any expert ways of using a phone.
Also i am not that big a fan of wifi, but in dashcams i do use it, must of course do that when someone send me a camera to test.

O yes, good old Denmark are on the downward slide, and we do almost have daily stabbings or shootings, as immigrant gangsters from MENA countries fight over the lukrative drug market,,,,, but ! i think we have some ways to go before we reach the state of at least some parts of " The windy city "

Ride share are not legal in Denmark, you must get a taxi license to earn money by transporting people around, it is one of a few licenses i do not have myself, that - motorcycle and bus with over 9 seats.
Some have a loophole though, they transport things, usually say a persons phone he have in the pocket or something, we also have pirate taxis, usually also run by immigrants,,,, you DO NOT want to go for a ride with them.

I would CC for sure too, actually i some times do, not a firearm, but a Applegate-Fairbairn shoulder holster with a big knife,,,,,,, which i have learned to use as a " kid "
also always have a pocket knife, even if thats also illegal here.
Of course not legal, but ! I assume the right to defend myself and my property in any way i see fit and morally okay,,,,, and i do not have a spaghetti spine like most of my fellow Danes have.

I would prefer a 9 mm, but that is a strait to jail offense here, so even if its just for a little while well, lets just say i have outgrown firearms as i have grown up, but there was a time OMG,,,, very naughty.
I forgot to say, most cameras you can turn on the WIFI by long pressing one of the buttons, so not really a big deal if it can not do it automatic on boot, you only loose a few seconds.