EyeFi card with ITB100HD/SP?

May 31, 2013
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United States
Anyone use an EyeFi card with the ITB100HD?

EyeFi card is an SD card with built in WiFi that can automatically transfer files over your home wifi network. It also allows you to download files to your android. An ITB100HD or SP with EyeFi SD card may be the best wireless setup out there!

May play around with this...
I looked into this, because I wanted to do the same thing when I pulled into my garage.

The Eye-Fi cards will only upload from the DCIM folder is what I found. A hack to the Eye-Fi card to change the directory it writes to would solve the problem, or a FW hack is needed to write the video filed to the DCIM folder instead of the root.

It would be pretty awesome to archive all the filed though.

I have a week off from work so maybe I'll look into this again.
After looking into this more, it sounds like you would have to run your own custom server to connect to the card, since all the traffic goes through the eye-fi site.

I found a possible alternative though, the transcend wifi cards have some cool features where you can browse the files and download them through a web server on the card. I was able to write a small listener app on the PC that connects to the card and enumerates and pulls the files off of it. I'm going to setup a mini-pc in my garage to continuously look for the card, and if found copy as many files as it can off of it before it turns off.

I'll write up details once I get everything polished up and easy to understand. Right now it's just a prototype, but it does work, and I was able to pull some video files from the card.

Update:: Turns out when the card is plugged into the camera I can't see the wireless access point. I have to think it has something to do with the amount of power the camera is pushing to the card. All my original testing had the card powered by my laptop. I need to look into this a bit more.
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Ran across this web site (do not remember if it has been posted before or not) about hacking the Transcend wi-fi cards"
might help you a bit.
Something worth thinking about might be these cards:
Why? I have been thinking, SD cards used in dash cams get written to and reformatted a lot. They have a finite life that as used in most "normal" devices means they will last for years. But in a dash cam they could reach the point of no longer being usable within a year or so (maybe soon for frequent drivers). That PQI Air Card is a wi-fi card that uses micro SD card that are replaceable; as long as your dash cam used full size SD cards you could just replace the part that will wear out after a while, the SD card. Need someone who has used a dash cam for a long time to chime in here to let us know how long an SD card typically lasts in a high usage dash cam.
The cards themselves are generally heat rated for the sorts of temps needed, regular micro SD to SD adapters aren't though, not sure what these adapters are like for temperature handling
Ran across this web site (do not remember if it has been posted before or not) about hacking the Transcend wi-fi cards"
might help you a bit.

Yeah I looked at that, and another write up about hacking the card, which is where I got the information about how I can browse the root folder using the web interface. My app basically just sends an http web request to the card and gathers the data it needs to enumerate the file system, then it individually downloads the files.

I looked at the PQI cards, and you are probably right, it would be a smarter choice in this scenario, but I didn't know about them until after I bought the Transcend, and I think they actually run the same software so swapping to that if the Transcend fails wouldn't be too difficult in the future.

I don't really need to modify the running image on the card as far as I can tell.

The only real hurdle I have now is getting the wifi portion of the card to start up when in my dashcam. It's strange that it doesn't because from everything I can find about the card it should only require power for that portion to start.

I've heard their support team is awesome and they are willing to hep troubleshoot and even change features if possible to make the customer happy. I'm going to shoot them an email today and see what they say. It might be something as simple as the camera not providing enough juice. If that is the case a firmware mod on the dashcam may solve the problem.

Other than that making my tool better and more automatic, that's the only thing left.
I spent way too much time working on this the past couple weeks. What I found was that the Transcend cards are **** and a waste of money.

The first one I ordered from Amazon seemed ok, but didn't seem to follow what was in the manual. It talked about special files on the card and by deleting certain files you could change the camera mode. They didn't exist. Luckily I was able to connect to the card through the browser and change the settings that way.

I had my tool working and it was connecting to the card and starting download. The problem was that the card was getting very hot and then the network connection was going away.

I tried several more times before the card just stopped working and wouldn't even be seen as an SD card in my PC.

I was literally downloading about 10MB of files so it wasn't that I was stressing the card, since it's supposed to be able to transfer more than that just using a normal camera.

I returned the card to amazon and ordered the 32GB version. This one didn't have the same heat problem, but would only keep it's wireless connection on for somewhere between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. Really not enough to be useful.

I read some stuff online and others suggest that the PQI air card is much more reliable. I have one coming this week and will try it out. If it doesn't work I'm going to shelf this idea for a while until I read about a good way to break the better Eye-Fi cards.