F200 Pro strange "Triple ding"

May 28, 2014
Reaction score
Dash Cam
i1000 (A10 and F20 chipsets), Thinkware F200 Pro
Hello All,

my Thinkware F200 Pro randomly gives three short dings and I have no idea what it means.
I reached out to support in my local country (Australia) and they have no idea what it means.
I asked if they can pass the question back to Korea and they are unable to.

I am trying to see if anyone else, anywhere, has reported the issue or can get me an answer.

The three “quick dings” are not mentioned in any of the Thinkware Youtube videos, the manual and no one on line mentions it.
(I have asked in many other forums).

I understand the noises for gforce’s, approaching a car, car leaving, crossing a white line, speed camera etc but this is different.
It sounds different and I have now had it happen several times. Those times seem to have nothing in common.

It might mean card is full and overwriting ? Hardware issue ?

It has done it when still, at a traffic light, when in motion on country roads and when overtaking. It seems to have no pattern.
There does not seem to a specific time interval between when it will happen, I can go for days without hearing it or weeks.

The unit works flawlessly in every other way. We have factory reset it and firmware updated it. It still occasionally throws out the “three Dings”.

(I think I can rule out Front Vehicle Departure Warning (Gentle ding), Front Collision Warning (louder ding), Lane Departure Warning ( 2 "ticks"), and Forward Collision Warning (single "bong").
Speed camera and redlights is a single "bong". Gforce is an alarming 2 alarm beeps.)

I hope someone laughed at my Bongs, bleeps, dings and ticks ! (Is there a better way to describe them ?)

Any ideas ?