F200 Pro Wi-Fi


New Member
Mar 29, 2024
Reaction score
Snohomish County
United States
Apologies if this has been discussed before or if it's a remedial question... I'm a noob for sure.

Do you have to engage the wi-fi button on the camera every time you want to connect to the app? I'm not having trouble at all connecting my iphone after hitting the wi-fi button and, once I do, my phone recognizes it as one of "my networks" wi-fi is definitely not connected to any other network that would interfere.. but my phone is not automatically connecting unless I hit the button on the camera.

If this is necessary every time... it seems very cumbersome to me. Especially since I mounted the camera directly behind my rearview mirror to hide it from view. It's a tough reach to hit the button.

Thanks guys!
Hello, the answer is yes. You have to press the wifi button on the dashcam if you wish to connect, this is to prevent the dashcam to stop recording as if it is connected to the smartphone automatically especially when the mobile app is open in the background.
And the Dashcam actually talks to you and informs you of exactly what it's doing.