F750 Keeps Restarting


New Member
Jan 9, 2016
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United Kingdom

I've been using the F750 for a few months now and all of a sudden the set just keeps restarting. The lights come on green then flash blue and red with then standard voice saying to format memory card then it turns off and starts up again.....and so on and so on.

Can anybody suggest anything?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've searched this forum and cannot find a solution so presume not posting something that's already been covered.
Try starting up dashcam without memory card and see what it does. If there are no error, then it must be a memory card issue.

I've been using the F750 for a few months now and all of a sudden the set just keeps restarting. The lights come on green then flash blue and red with then standard voice saying to format memory card then it turns off and starts up again.....and so on and so on.

Can anybody suggest anything?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've searched this forum and cannot find a solution so presume not posting something that's already been covered.

Hello Bryan1001, did you resolve this issue?
I had a Thankware F750 (Front & Rear camera) installed in December 2015. Today I removed the memory card (original Thinkware) to view some of the videos. By this opportunity I copied the recent FW 1.00.15. Since I did this my dashcam keeps restarting in the same way as you describe.
After power on:
than they become BLUE - BLUE it talks than that the memory card needs reformatting,
after this they start synchronized fast blinking in GREEN, BLUE, RED.
After appr. 25sec the GPS LED blinks and the unit switches OFF to restart and repeating the same cycle all over again.

I took the memory card out and inserted into the Windows PC, but I cant format it.
I followed the instructions in this post :
But I cant format it still.

Hello Bryan1001,

I did some investigation into our issue and resolved it (leaving another problem).
In my case it was the MicroSD Card. I replaced it with another MicroSd card which I formated as described in the forum
This fixed the reboot problem.

Remaining the issue with the memory card. What I found out in my case again, the MicroSD card is LOCKED.
I dont know what caused the LOCK of the card and how to remove the LOCKED status. I am still looking into a solution to fix this MicroSD Card LOCK.

I hope this will resolve your problem too.

Good luck
I am very annoyed to report I also have this problem, almost right out of the box. After spending $800 on the F750 front and rear cameras and a professional install, I now have a device that functioned properly for about 30 minutes of driving time, but now crashes and restarts over and over again whenever the engine is running, and cannot connect to my android device via wifi unless the engine is running. I have no idea how to fix it. Reading the SD card is particularly inconvenient because the installation has made it impossible to remove the SD card without unplugging USB and power connections, and physically sliding the front camera off its mount point. However my PC Viewer software reads the card with no problems, showing and playing video from the files that the F750 cameras recorded prior to the fault developing. Is this constant rebooting a power supply issue?
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Hi Jokiin. I am using a 64 Gb card branded with the Thinkware logo. It was supplied with the cameras and installation kit. I have apparently successfully formatted the card several times with the format button on the camera body. The camera gives voice feedback that the format is completed each time. However, I am surprised to see a formatting operation that leaves all my existing data intact!
couple be power related or memory card, realistically the best thing you could do is go back to wherever you bought it from and get it sorted, not an issue you should have to be sorting out yourself
I'm surprised to read about these issues as I have been generally pleased with the operation of my unit. However I did find that 'out-of-the-box' one of the LEDs on the front indicator was faulty but I decided not to return the unit as I didn't think that I wanted to have that indicator active (and now that I have seen how the battery is drained in parking mode I am convinced that it was the right decision). So I guess my point is that maybe Thinkware do have a quality problem. However certainly in the UK the customer support has been great so I'd hope it is in other countries, especially Australia. I join jokiin in advising those with this problem to return their units for replacement.
Thanks for your interest jokiin and Dippy. Update: the camera's symptoms were: 'Format card regularly' voice message and constant rebooting of camera. I took the unit to the seller Ryda in Petersham, and there learned that the 'Format card' voice message is _not_ a usual startup message. They tested the front camera unit, duplicated the symptoms, and found these issues disappeared when the memory card was replaced. This is further evidence that when the constant restarting problem occurs, the cause is a faulty or corrupt memory card. Take note that the card may still be readable in the PC Thinkware application. But it will not be possible to reformat the card when it is in the camera unit, contrary to any voice message that the format was successful.
Thanks for sharing that news.

Thinkware - if any of you are reading this forum - you have a great product but clearly you have a production QA issue.
Thanks for your interest jokiin and Dippy. Update: the camera's symptoms were: 'Format card regularly' voice message and constant rebooting of camera. I took the unit to the seller Ryda in Petersham, and there learned that the 'Format card' voice message is _not_ a usual startup message. They tested the front camera unit, duplicated the symptoms, and found these issues disappeared when the memory card was replaced. This is further evidence that when the constant restarting problem occurs, the cause is a faulty or corrupt memory card. Take note that the card may still be readable in the PC Thinkware application. But it will not be possible to reformat the card when it is in the camera unit, contrary to any voice message that the format was successful.

Hi Dippy,
my Thinkware F750 was operating for 6 weeks, but I always had this message "regularly Format memory card' voice message and thought its normal. The Thinkware manual isnt really great and the local support isnt great. The message also disappeared when I bought a new memory card SanDisk micro extreme 32Gb, class 10UP to 45MB/s. I was a bit desperate and got the what I thought is the best. My original is the Thinkware card, still need to go to the shop.

Klaus, I have had my F750 working for about the same time. It was supplied with a Thinkware logo 32GB card which I used for the first few weeks until I replaced it with my 128GB card. I had the 'format' message for the 32GB card once and initially I ignored it until I read that this is sort of misleading. It should really be "please format the memory card". So I formatted that card. So far I have had the message for my 128GB card once and I formatted it immediately.

I think the Thinkware unit is good, but as per my comment I have doubts about their production QA. I suspect that they don't do a final 'heat soak' and operational inspection before packaging, since this would have picked up the faulty LED on mine and hopefully the suspect SD cards on yours and others. We all know that there is a compatibility issue with SD cards, and not just for the F750. I have seen problems in cameras and other devices. I have also been sold fake SD cards in the past (including from a very large and reputable chain store in the UK) which is why I soak test every SD card I get, and that includes the one that came with the F750. So I am slightly inclined to forgive SD card issues if I can get a different one that works.

Marginally off the topic; however I've just bought a F750 (last few days); and up till now it's been very impressive. I've come to upgrade the firmware as per the instructions (it was requesting the "Format" option just before, so I thought I'd upgrade firmware too), and now I have two solid green LEDS. I've tried the soft reset (as per the manual - initialisation holding the Record and Format button; no joy; finally the reset pin hole; no joy ; has anyone any suggestions?
So what happens after a power cycle - does it simply light the two LEDs green and stay that way?
So what happens after a power cycle - does it simply light the two LEDs green and stay that way?
Hello Dippy; that's exactly it; no flashing / alternate colours - just two lit green LEDs.
Even if I press the "reset" button it does that; the two LEDS turn off and then (I assume post reboot) , turn back on - both lit.
In that case to me it would seem that the upgrade has failed and 'bricked' your unit. First thing to do is contact Thinkware UK tech support. I have used them before and got good service.
Hello Dippy; I put an e-mail in to them yesterday and hopefully on Monday I'll get a response - glad to hear that they are helpful.
I thought I'd post on here as often on forums you find solutions just as fast. :) I'll post back when I've heard what they suggest. Thanks for responding!
I've had the "format memory card" warning a couple of times but just thought it was a reminder.

If I don't format the card I get the warning once on every start up, the warning stops if I format the card. The unit is tucked up behind the mirror so I haven't been taking any notice of what the LEDs are doing, I'll keep an eye on it next time, but I've had no problems with it not recording, even when I get the format warning.