Faulty microSD Card Holder


New Member
May 3, 2014
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mini 801, Mini 803,
My Mini 803 arrived today via Amazon UK only to find it has a faulty card holder being unable to insert the microSD card:mad:

I have an Mini 801 and I am in two minds now weather to replace it and forget about the Mini 803.

Is it a worthy upgrade?

Is the new firmware for the 803 any good? I would really like to able to change the boot picture on either my Mini 801 or 803, could this be done, could anybody help?

Thanks in advance:rolleyes:
Seems to be reliable. Only known problems are the non working audio-mute and that the dashcam is getting pretty hot. @billknow wrote soemwhere that there will be a new 0803 with cooling fins.
Another problem is that the camera sometimes gets stuck at start.
The most important issue IMO
Never had that problem :S
Are you using the 0803 daily with multiple start/stop?
On another dashcam forum I was reading a thread about SD card reliabilty and the suggestion was that all SD cards would benefit from being reformatted every 2 weeks by a PC format application. Sounded a little dubious to me as I have SD cards in all sorts of devices and have never reformatted a card.
Probably not enough, I often encounter this issue after a short stop, to buy some bread for example.