Feature Request (and query) - Parking Mode Switch


New Member
May 17, 2023
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
United Kingdom
Hey all,
I have a request and also a query to ask.

Could we allow a press & hold on one of the available dash cam button to allow us to turn on/off the Parking Mode.
This would stop the need to have to enter the app each time just to do this.
My example use case: when I'm parked at home, I have two cameras that watch over the front of my property, so would turn off the parking mode so no drain on the car battery. But when I go to work/shopping/etc, I could turn it on with the previous settings that I had. I could image a large amount of people would have various scenarios where they would feel the need to be able to turn this off/on in a timely manner.

Just wanted to confirm, that if I have the camera set to record in time lapse in Parking mode; that it wont actually record continuous footage if the G-sensor is set off. The G-Sensor option only works with Auto Event Detection?

Thanks in advance!
When you park your vehicle at home, you can simply perform a long press of the <Power> button until you hear the A139 Pro power down "chime" to power down the dash camera. The dash camera will remain powered down until the next time the vehicle is started when ACC+ power is once again provided to the HK3-C hardwire kit which will cause the dash camera to power up.

The G-sensor is active for all of the parking modes. In Auto Event Detection parking mode, when an impact is detected a buffered recording will be created. In time-lapse or low bitrate parking mode, when the G-sensor detects an impact it will cause the currently recording video to be "locked" (stored in the RO directory).
When you park your vehicle at home, you can simply perform a long press of the <Power> button until you hear the A139 Pro power down "chime" to power down the dash camera.
Arhhh I see. So I could leave the parking mode on, but when I don't need it - hold the Power button to make it turn off.
In my case, I would be turning it off more often than I would be needing it on - but understand thats particular to my case.

In time-lapse or low bitrate parking mode, when the G-sensor detects an impact it will cause the currently recording video to be "locked" (stored in the RO directory).
So in time lapse mode, say I set it 1fps, if the g-sensor detects a bump, would it record at 1fps or a higher fps, say 30fps?

Thanks @rcg530
So in time lapse mode, say I set it 1fps, if the g-sensor detects a bump, would it record at 1fps or a higher fps, say 30fps?
  • Auto Event Detection (AED) Parking Mode
    • No video is recorded until a triggering motion event or G-sensor impact event.
    • When a triggering event is detected, a buffered video recording is created for the event.
  • Time-Lapse or Low Bitrate Parking Modes
    • Video is continuously recorded in both of these parking modes.
    • When the G-sensor detects an impact event
      • The video that is currently recording will continue to record until its normal termination time.
      • The video will be stored in the DCIM\Movie\RO directory instead of the DCIM\Movie\Parking directory.
      • If voice announcements are enabled, you will hear the A139 Pro say "Video Protected" at the time of the impact event.
If you have your A139 Pro configured for time-lapse @ 1fps and an impact occurs, it will continue to record in that mode (time-lapse 1fps).
Much appreciated @rcg530.

For some reason, I was getting AED and Motion Detection confused as the same thing. Just to confirm, for AED to work, you need to have Motion Detection turned on?

For some reason, I was getting AED and Motion Detection confused as the same thing. Just to confirm, for AED to work, you need to have Motion Detection turned on?
You're correct in that Auto Event Detection (AED) does have one of the triggering "events" as a motion event and the other is an impact event. Parking mode G-sensor events will trigger some sort of action in all three parking modes (as outlined above). The "Parking G-sensor" setting and "Parking Motion Detection" setting have Low, Medium and High values. You cannot turn them off, just increase or decrease their sensitivity for parking mode. So for AED parking mode, you'll always have motion detection active just depends at what sensitivity level.


Hey @rcg530, I was hoping to ask you another question.

With regards to my original request feature, and your response about simply powering down the dash cam. Could I do something similar, but in reverse.

For example:
1. My camera has all the settings required for parking mode enabled as such as I need them.
2. I stop the car and switch off the ignition, therefore the camera would switch off (based on a setting that may / may not exist).
3. In this instance, I have stopped at the shops and want to enable parking mode recording.
4. With the ignition off, I press the power button to turn on the dash cam, and its now in parking mode as it can tell the car is switched off.

Hopefully that makes sense. The reason I ask; I will personally be in the position of not requiring parking mode enabled the majority of the time, and only want it at sporadic intervals.

Thanks in advance.
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Hey @rcg530, I was hoping to ask you another question.

With regards to my original request feature, and your response about simply powering down the dash cam. Could I do something similar, but in reverse.

For example:
1. My camera has all the settings required for parking mode enabled as such as I need them.
2. I stop the car and switch off the ignition, therefore the camera would switch off (based on a setting that may / may not exist).
3. In this instance, I have stopped at the shops and want to enable parking mode recording.
4. With the ignition off, I press the power button to turn on the dash cam, and its now in parking mode as it can tell the car is switched off.

Hopefully that makes sense. The reason I ask, is I will personally be in the position of not requiring parking mode enabled the majority of the time, and only want it at sporadic intervals.

Thanks in advance.
No, doesn’t work that way. At least other VIOFO models don’t work that way. Camera will power on normally.
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It would seem a modification to your 3-wire HK3-C hardwire kit would be in order.

The typical way to wire the BATT+ for the HK3-C is to a constant battery power source and the ACC+ to a switched/accessory power source. The ACC+ is not used to power the dash camera, but merely as an indicator to the HK3-C for parking mode operation to be passed onto the dash camera.

For the purpose of this discussion, the ACC+ yellow wire for the HK3-C would still be connected to a switched/accessory power source (not going through a switch).

If you were to wire the BATT+ (red wire) from the HK3-C to a toggle (SPDT On-On) switch, this will allow the power feed to the HK3-C BATT+ red wire to be sourced from two different power sources (one at a time).

The switch like the one in the picture is what I'm talking about. The notations for "LOAD" and "BAT" are reversed from how you would wire the HK3-C BATT+ wire. The "BAT" connection (the common connection) in the picture would actually connect to the HK3-C's BATT+ red wire. The blue (upper) "LOAD" could be connected to a constant battery power source and the green (lower) "LOAD" would be connected to a switched/accessory power source.

With the switch in the position to connect the HK3-C's BATT+ red wire to constant battery power, parking mode will operate when the ACC+ is turned off.

With the switch in the position to connect the HK3-C's BATT+ red wire to switched/accessory power, the dash camera will simply power down when the switched/accessory power is turned off.
Arhhh I see, that would solve the issue - great idea!

Really appreciate your input here, thanks again @rcg530 (y)