Feb-16-2016 record-breaking snow storm in Ottawa (Canada)


Feb 27, 2016
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Nikon AW-110
I always add music and keep the clips preferable short to make the viewing enjoyable.

Hope you enjoy !
We just get rain. If we are really lucky we may get a dusting of snow for a day in winter and perhaps two weeks of sun in summer. Other than that, it's rain.
I didn't compile it yet but on my drive home around 1430h going west, there was a few interesting things of note:

-Cavalier spun out on 417 West in between Parkdale and Kirkwood/Carling
-Hyundai Accent buried in snowdrift on the side of the Westbound 417 entrance from 416 to 417W
-OC Transpo articulated bus buried in snow drift trying to merge from the Bayshore Transit station
-Another Hyundai Accent stuck in snow pile while trying to change lanes on Terry Fox at Hazeldean.

It was not a pleasant drive, for sure. Took me almost 2.5hrs to clear my laneway enough to drive in.
I guess the guy with the snow blower was just trying to keep it manageable after seeing what the Northeast US and se Canada got last winter.

My mother in new Hampshire is not one bit sad that they haven't got much snow this year. :D
By 3pm, on that day, everything was bumper to bumper in Ottawa, everywhere. I'm thinking of compiling a "when pedestrians outpace cars" video. I have lots of footage of just waiting in endless line ups and people walking by. I couldn't make my mind whether to shut down to save disk space or just keep on filming. There was so much snow falling that there was not much to capture. If you noticed, the clip itself is "relatively" clear at first because I left an underground garage. The windows then fogged up before the overpass scene, and then I managed to clear them back up. You'll may have noticed that by the end of the clip, the blades are saturated with ice "blobs".

I hope it makes it as a "historical video record" for the Ottawa weather archives. A trophy of sorts !
Thats what i want, but i only get somthing simmilar every 5 years or so :( so with only 2-3" of snow in total this winter my winter tires have been a big waste of money.

And worst part is Denmark is just as far north as at least the southern parts of Canada, so i blame that damm current in the atlantic ocean.
Another dumping of snow coming tonight and overnight. Should make for a fun drive in the morning.
Another dumping of snow coming tonight and overnight. Should make for a fun drive in the morning.
The second best thing about being retired is I don't have to worry about such things. ;)

The best thing about being retired is not having to drive in rush hour traffic every other day of the week - snow or no snow. :D
Snowing right now here, but only a inch, and it will be melted before tomorrow evening.

And so it should be, this is allso the first day of spring, so enuff with that white styff, now its all about warm rays comming down from that yellow orb in the sky.
Didn't drive anywhere at all so I didn't put up with the new snow storm that ran through Michigan. About 8 inches and it's light dry powder stuff so it will be drifting all night with the wind.