Figured out the problem with 1 of my mobius cams.. (Need advice)


May 18, 2014
Reaction score
United States
** TLDR below**

I have two of the Version 2 Mobius "Actioncams".

One I use for my dashcam,.. and the other is more mobil , but usually in car aimed at some electronics for another "hobby" if you will.

Now.. I've been ordering batteries thinking one or both of the mobius's have been having batteries die every few months.

However,.. I figured it out.. (duh).

My Dash cam mobius (I have them marked) -- had a LITTLE bit of water spilled on it , on my desk when I was getting footage. I immediately dried it proper.. and it worked fine.

but that must have caused this issue..

Anyhow.. here's the deal.

The dashcam mobius,.. it kept losing it's date/time -- and I know that's the battery dieing.. however I have these hard wired so they get power the whole time they are on and don't need to use the battery.. and are being charged as well. So there is no reason the battery/time should be gone.

Well I replcaed the battery in both cams.. and of course that made it work for a few days.. and then same problem again.

Anyhow.. Now I can take the Second mobius (non dash cam) and put the dashcam battery in it .. hook it to my PC, or the wall, etc.. let it charge for an hour .. Put it back in the casing of the Dashcam.. and it's fine. (works/date stays / time stays).

*** Start reading here if TLDR **

So given that one of the mobius's just doesn't charge the battery but otherwise works/records fine,.. Is there anything I can do short of replacing the whole PCB for $50+ ?

IE: Can I fix it? I work with PCB, computers, electronics, batteries, etc a lot.. am handy with a soldering iron -- I just don't know what to look for, or if anything could be done, or how to determine where the problem is, etc.

I've priced a new PCB and it's close to the price of a new mobius.. so this is why I want to salvage this and make it charge again.

I'd send it to one of you and pay you some sort of fee if you could fix it..

Otherwise, any links, tips, pics, etc on how to perhaps, repair it?

Thank you!

If anyone would like to buy a Mobius that seems to just not charge the battery but works in every other way,.. let me know. I replaced it for now with a new unit. I'm sure someone more capable of testing the PCB could have it fixed for pennies/ or a few dollars in parts. I'm confident with my solder, but I don't want to mess up a perfectly good HD camera attempting to screw with it. It would come with a Kingston 32GB card. If not, I'll use it as a third cam somewhere in the car.. just throwing that out there.
I have the same or very similar problem. I can manually charge the battery via a RC battery charger, plug the batter in the cam, green charging light may come one for a little while, but it will never try to charge it again after the battery depletes. Tried two different SuperCaps and those will never charge or even hold a charge to keep the date and time stored. I'm at a lost.
If anyone would like to buy a Mobius that seems to just not charge the battery but works in every other way,.. let me know. I replaced it for now with a new unit. I'm sure someone more capable of testing the PCB could have it fixed for pennies/ or a few dollars in parts. I'm confident with my solder, but I don't want to mess up a perfectly good HD camera attempting to screw with it. It would come with a Kingston 32GB card. If not, I'll use it as a third cam somewhere in the car.. just throwing that out there.
Contact the seller, he will replace it. Mobius sellers are the best at customer service
I have the same or very similar problem. I can manually charge the battery via a RC battery charger, plug the batter in the cam, green charging light may come one for a little while, but it will never try to charge it again after the battery depletes. Tried two different SuperCaps and those will never charge or even hold a charge to keep the date and time stored. I'm at a lost.

Yeah, I actually looked for a manually charger that would fit the plug and battery type that goes into the mobius but didn't see one. Do you have a link to a charger ? Or name/brand type I could look up?

I don't like selling things on ebay or elsewhere that have any issues with them,.. even though this is just a battery deal .. Which to me only makes a difference for having time/date on filenames for editing footage. So I'll likely end up keeping this for some purpose, probably a rear facing camera in my car where pulling that footage will be somewhat "rare" as opposed to the dash cam where I pull the footage once a week or more depending.

I'm sure it's a similar issue/same issue as this camera has. I bought TWO new batteries, and I thought they fixed the problem because the filenames and time were right for a while.. but it was just the battery lasting a long time lol. So the actual battery that was in it is still good, glad I Kept it (the battery)! :)
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Contact the seller, he will replace it. Mobius sellers are the best at customer service

I did. It was novotm, and he didn't offer to replace or anything. I believe he said it may be the battery, in which I tried. Now I've bought three Mobius cams from him :) I can say the Version 3 is no difference in anything but the led cover, and battery -- Which is all it's supposed to be, but I was curious if the quality would be any different , etc. I , personally, can't tell any difference in the V2 vs V3 (not that we are supposed to).
Contact him again and explain your situation, it can't hurt. He knows those cameras as well as anyone. Rather that then give it away
If it was the water that caused the damage, surely it wouldn't be covered under any warranty?
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