Finally Got My Mobius Installed (Mostly)


Active Member
Feb 10, 2015
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United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius C Lens, Mini 0906, SG9663DC Pro, A229 Plus
So having bought the actual camera months ago and played around with it on my desk on and off I finally got off my behind and set to attacking the car.

After only minor swearing at losing a trim clip when I re-removed the piece to see if it had gone back properly the first time (it had annoyingly) all was well with the electrical plumbing.

Next up was to get the camera as hidden as possible. No easy feat in a car that's easy to see in to.
car.jpg Pic from my original post about fitting issues.

But having played around and got things roughly where I want (recording a little too much dash at the mo) it's all looking very good.
DSC_0375.JPG Can you see it? Not easy is it?

The only downside is that opening the passenger side visor may knock the lens but I have some ideas for that.
Also the actual body of the cam is stuck somewhere more convient than anything. It might stay there but velcro'd instead of the double sided tape that I had to hand.
DSC_0372.JPG DSC_0373.JPG DSC_0374.JPG DSC_0377.JPG

My other idea for the main part of the camera is to sit it in the interior light lens.
These lens units are divided in to three sections. I currently have two LED panels filling the outer sections for the interior light (needs improving as it was bodged together in a few minutes) and as luck would have it the middle section is just the right size for the Mobius.
I've ordered another one from eBay to experiment with but hopefully I can modify it to take the Mobius and it'll be super easy to access when I want to check the recordings and what not.

Other than the aim of the lens I'm very happy with the installation as it's virtually impossible to see from outside and once aimed properly will get a good view of the road.
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Nice stealth install, may take some inspiration!!.