Firmware 2.1 - Parking Mode not motion sensitive


New Member
Mar 26, 2013
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone,

I own two ITB-100HD cameras. On one of them I have the 2.0 firmware, and the other I have a 2.1 as it was purchased recently.

I notice very different behavior on the two cameras:

On version 2.0:

Parking mode is recording whenever there is motion detected. So when parked in a downtown location with plenty of traffic its almost always recording.

On version 2.1:

Parking mode seems to only be triggered by motion sensitivities. The settings are set to "Shock and Motion sensing" and set to the highest sensitivity levels.

I don't know if the issue is with the firmware, or with the unit itself. However I imagine the motion sensing is using the camera itself to determine motion rather then an independent sensor. Meaning if its recording video, it's probably not a hardware issue.

Does anyone have any insights to this behavior? I can literally jump around in front of the car and bounce up and down and will not find a recording of myself. Perhaps the shock sensing works if someone backs into my car, but I really don't want to test that out.
Did you try adjusting down the parking mode sensitivity setting of the ITB with fw 2.0 from NORMAL to INSENSITIVE?
Mitch said:
Did you try adjusting down the parking mode sensitivity setting of the ITB with fw 2.0 from NORMAL to INSENSITIVE?

Well I don't mind the behavior of the 2.0 firmware. I want to have a recording of activity in front of the car, I want to replicate this on the newer camera.
candash said:
Mitch said:
Did you try adjusting down the parking mode sensitivity setting of the ITB with fw 2.0 from NORMAL to INSENSITIVE?

Well I don't mind the behavior of the 2.0 firmware. I want to have a recording of activity in front of the car, I want to replicate this on the newer camera.

You can set the parking mode sensitivity setting of the ITB with fw 2.1 to SENSITIVE. Just a point to note doing so will trigger more data storage on the SD card while the car is in parking mode.
Sorry to resurrect this older thread. I guess here's my problem with the Parking mode in a nutshell as it sits right now.

I have it set to the most sensitive setting, and I shook the camera to test. I assume it's sensing physical motion rather than video motion, however I did test both. The recording on the SD camera doesn't seem to start for a full 60 seconds after, that means if someone backs into my car and drives away - it's nearly impossible to catch it on video.

This is far different than the behavior of the previous firmware, and all the settings in the world do not seem to correct it.