Firmware Update & Wifi


New Member
Dec 6, 2022
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United Kingdom
Hello from the UK :-)

This is my first post on here so forgive me if I have posted this in the wrong place!! Looking for some help please . . .

My partner and I purchased a new car two weeks ago and also purchased the Advanced Car eye 3 and had it installed at a BMW garage. We have tried multiple multiple times to fully connect one of our phones to the fitted device but it will not connect. We took the car to two different BMW garages and they were also unable to get the device connected.

The problem arises when we see on our phone that a firmware update needs to be done and it wants to connect to Wifi – we cannot get it to connect to any Wifi for love nor money and it has been an incredibly frustrating experience thus far.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and if so, how did you resolve it? Many thanks in advance for any help.
I think you chose the wrong topic...
yes, same with me, when dashcam show notification to switch wifi connection no respond from my iphone or android
Welcome to the forum Rocky.

OTA ( Over The Air ) firmware update i have never tried in any dashcam, actually the ones i have tested so far do not support it.
So i do it the old way.
Download new firmware ( it might be zipped )
Unzip it or just put the ( firmware will be named "some name.bin" ) then put the firmware file in the root of a memory card, i prefer to use empty old small memory cards for this, so have used old 8 &16 and 32 GB cards )
Then put the card in the camera, turn on car / camera, and LEDs will flash fast for some seconds, then the camera reboot delete the firmware on the card as it would otherwise update again, and then come on, and then you have to do your settings again.

In my case that is.
Time zone +2 hours as Denmark are +1 and then now on summer time so +2 in total
Image quality best possible.
Segment size, the 3 minute clips i prefer.
G-sensor off when driving or at least set to LOW as i do not want it to go off when i drive, and if there are something i want to save / preserve locked, well i just press the event button.

And then if i am going to use parking guard on the camera those settings too.