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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
Of a Guard Trak product on my computer table.
First a teaser picture.
Guard Trak GT65EX.jpg
To be honest this confuse me too when seen in the grand view of other products.

I have not been able to compare it to the GC V3 as i wiped my windscreen to make room for new products, my V3 are now in my friends car where it replaced the V1
so what makes this different from the SG GC (and A118) that it physically resembles?

had we not done the SGGCX2 than this would have been the updated version of the V3, a few changes that we would have done anyway, change to IMX323 (IMX322 is no longer available), updated cig charger, couple of other little tweaks
Just a little FYI for the people finding their way in here, after almost 2 months and a unusual sunny and warm month of May, the GT65EX are running perfect aside for a faulty RTC battery in the GPS antenna it have been flawless.
It just sit there and do what its supposed to do, and the wonky antenna of course got replaced by SG / GT,,,,, nooooo problemo (y)
With the heritage in mind this is shaping up to be a fine dashcam.

Reporting back at a later date if i find any issues.
It is now 5 months down the road, and just on the tail end of a unusual good summer in Denmark, though instead of having August as the last month of summer we Danes got the month of May instead as i teaser of things to come.
So when it come to heat testing a Dane cant put more load on a camera than what i did on the GuardTrak GT65EX in the past 5 months, and i am happy to say the camera are still doing strong as expected.
Now i am waiting on winter to arrive to do a little cold weather testing, but before that i think the GT65EX will have been replaced, so will have to pull a switcheroo if winter decide to match the summer we just had, though i have my doubts about that judging on past winters.
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GT65EX now close to a year old, nothing particular bad to say about it.
The camera have been doing what it is supposed to do, and to a large degree it have been set and forget as it have not been the camera i have touched most in my car.
Like all other dashcams in "busy" situations the camera struggle due to the modest bitrate all cameras have, so in those situations even in the best of circumstances blocking in the image can make a plate capture problematic.
But as i said this are a universal problem in current dashcams of all brands, and plate capture are not everything, the 65EX can do this as good as just about any dashcam.
There are no speed in the footage as i "borrowed" the GPS from the GT camera to put on a SG camera that had a bad GPS from the factory, the company will replace this for you no problem if it happen to you.
I just haven't bothered them with the problem as we are talking free test cameras and really its no problem for me as a tester with so many dashcams on the windscreen.
The camera have been thru a unusual long and hot summer of 2018, and a warm winter where we just matched the record for hottest winter day even measured, so it have only been a few days/nights with temperatures around 0 deg C or a little less, -5 deg C i think have been the coldest for my area this winter.

The Guard Trak GT65EX will see service for a little while yet in my car, then i will donate it to a Dane that are willing to use it in the fight against stupid and dangerous drivers on Danish streets.
Whoever get it i am sure the camera will serve the person well. (y)
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GT65EX going strong after 1.5 year of service in my car, no fuss, no problem, or no worries as they say. :cool:

Hehe she are using it wrong, you are supposed to film other people mess up.
So today i noticed the EX was hanging with the splash screen and just power end MIC LED's lit up, and a reboot in the car just did the same.
So i took the camera with me thinking " it is probably the 64GB red & black trancend card that have packed it in.
So looking at the memory card i see last recording is 10 days old, and there is a RO folder on the memory card, though i never use any form of sensors or event on this camera.
The i looked at the files, and everyone i tried also played well, and drive sessions all seem preservered as they should be, but then looking inside the RO folder i got the curb ball.
So i decided better record a video.

I then proceeded to format the memory card with the PC, which also went down just fine, and i am currently running SD formatter full overwrite on the card.
So now i am completely baffled cuz i put a 32 GB trancend card in the camera and powered it up here on the computer table, and it proceeded to record just fine.
So apparently there is nothing wrong with the camera - or the memory card :unsure:
Yeah, it have also been in the camera since i got it, i will also throw in a new card no matter what SD formatter say to the old one.
The old card go in my target bin ( a tin i put dice or smaller things in to shoot them later in the year with my airgun )
50 M are no challenge for a target this size unless it is very windy, so mu plan are to take the card out to 100 M or as far as i can still dial in my scope cuz a .22 airgun pellet do drop a lot on longer ranges and i am not going to invest in height adjustable scope mounts though they are not that expensive.
I am still good, and i also need to pick up a few on my own, but i have been pushing this a little as i direct money towards the rather overkill and expensive home for my new hardware.
I am already suffering buyers remorse as i as usual are going full overkill.

I am of course going to follow thru on my commitment, and when done the home will also be just fine for a dual Epyc cpu with 64 cores, and it would probably also be fine to add a watercooled SLI setup.
The new case do support dual PSU too so i could also add a second system to the case, but then all my rebuilding inside would have to go.

Ned to contact company i dealt with before for a quote on some plastic panels cut to size, and then i have to figure if i am going to pay 4 or DIY the wrap of it all as my plan is to go carbonfiber like wrap to save me from painting it all.
I assume i can do it myself as it is after all just flat pieces of material, though i have never tried that wrapping stuff.
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Yep sdformatter just finished, no errors, but still going into the target bin with a THX for service rendered.